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The Potter's Village - Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Potter's Village Newsletter.

Issue 2. 2024

In this Issue

Bishop's visit and 10 new wheelchairs!
Celebration Afternoon - Saturday 26th Oct
Appeal for Wheels - new truck needed!
Appeal for Wheels - can you help?
Babies' birthday party
New children
Resettled Children
New clinical officer
Bible Society Visit
Please pray for us

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Bishop's visit and 10 new wheelchairs!

Recently we had the pleasure of giving new wheelchairs to 10 disabled children in the local community.

Potters Village through the support from the Diocese managed to source these wheelchairs and we hope they will be a great help for these children.

The Bishop officially handed over the chairs and is pictured with one of the children and volunteer paediatric physiotherapist Janie (who set up and now oversees the work of the Rehabilitation Unit).






Celebration Afternoon - Saturday 26th Oct

All are welcome to this year's Celebration afternoon to be held on Saturday 26th of October at All Saints Church, Wokingham (RG40 1TN).  

A free lunch will be available from 1pm. For catering purposes please book using pottersuk@gmail.com or text/WhatsApp using 07449907268 with your name and any dietary requirements.  

The afternoon will run from 1-4.30pm and will include an update report from Idah, along with other speakers. 

Recommended parking is Easthamstead Road car park, RG40 2EG, but there is also limited space on the neighbouring road, Norreys Avenue for 3 hours.


Appeal for Wheels - new truck needed!

Potter's Village is in desperate need of a new pick-up truck. The current pick-up truck was second hand and is used daily to support the work of the charity.  When the Trustees visited in January they saw the need for a new vehicle and Idah has outlined below some of the ways it is used on a weekly basis.  The rural roads are very difficult to navigate and are tough on any vehicle, especially after any rain.  Potter's Village needs a dependable and sturdy pick-up to cope with them.  Ways in which we use our vehicle;

1. Going to communities to visit and assess babies' homes at the time of admission and towards the time of resettlement.

2. Resettling babies back to their families.

3. Taking babies to and from hospitals when they are at times referred to other hospitals other than PV Medical Centre.

4. Taking babies to court at the time of acquiring care orders. The magistrate always wants to see the baby before he grants the order.

5. Transporting the social workers to communities to follow up cases especially for abandoned babies and at times collecting babies from far communities.

6. Transporting the psychiatric nurse and social worker making home visits to treat mothers with mental health problems. 

7. Shopping for baby products and food.

Appeal for Wheels - can you help?

Since the appeal was launched we have raised just over £5000. Please can you help us to raise the next £5000.

Click on the link below to give via our JustGiving page, or scan the QR code to be taken to our appeal page.  






Babies' birthday party

The staff at Potter's Village recently had an opportunity to celebrate the birthdays of 3 resident babies (Robert, Bahati & Annet) who turned 1 and Mary who celebrated her 2nd birthday. 

Currently most children are re-settled with their families between the ages of 6 months and 1 year, however due to their individual circumstances these children are still resident at Potter's Village and so it was wonderful to have a party to celebrate these birthdays and everybody had a lovely time.



New children

Admission to Potter's Village during the last few months has increased.  We have received 7 babies into the crisis centre.

Jeremiah is the most recent admission.  He was born in mid July and his mother died soon after. He is very small, but doing really well. 

Kin was born in early May but came to Potter's Village about two weeks later after the death of her mother. We have very little information about her mother, but her father is known and hopefully she can be re-settled with him in due course. 

Angella was abandoned by the mother, and was rescued by police. She was brought to Potter’s Village at the end of April and was estimated to about a month old. She had some bleeding on her face which has healed, however she still struggles with nose bleeds from time to time. 

Derick was born at the beginning of April and came to Potter's Village at about a month old. His Mother is a psychiatric patient who fell sick and died of hypoglycaemia. Derick is doing very well and developing quickly.

Ignitius was born at the end of May and came to Potter's Village after a few weeks.  His mother is struggling with a mental health condition.  She has been unwell for nearly 3 years and her condition meant she was not able to care for Ignitius. He is now doing well and putting on weight. 

Gerald was born in December last year, but was admitted in April.  His mother died in a different district where she had gone to look for work.  Gerald was brough to Potter's Village by relatives, he is a smiley baby and feeds well.  

Mercy was born in late February and came to Potter's Village in May this year.  Her mother gave birth via a C-section, but developed other complications and died afterwards.  Mercy is doing well  and is very energetic.

If you would like to support one of these babies by becoming a child sponsor, please click on this link to visit our website.  Thank you. 

Resettled Children

A number of children have been resettled back with their families recently.  Mercy and Ushindi were both resettled in May back with their fathers.

Amos was resettled back to his family and will also be under the care of his father. He will continue to be on support.

In May both Sincere Queen and Macharius were resettled with their Grandmothers.




New clinical officer

In the Medical Centre, a new clinical officer Kwizera Sam (pictured), has been welcomed to the staff team.

However, other 2 staff members have recently moved to new roles and we are now looking for replacements for both a nurse and a lab-assistant. Please pray that we find staff to fill these vital roles.






Bible Society Visit

A team from the Bible Society Uganda visited Potter's Village recently and shared teaching and prayers with the staff.  We thank them for their visit.





All of the animals and the Potter's Village gardens are continuing to provide for the project. It has been hard recently to get enough feed for the animals, as this season the weather has been so dry.  The weather has also affected the vegetables in the garden.

However the rains are expected soon in Kisoro, so we hope this will be a big help. We currently have 3 old cows and 2 young ones, 4 pigs and a number of piglets.

Please pray for us






We thank God for;

  • The 10 new wheelchairs given to children in need
  • For the Crisis Centre, that it can continue to care for all those babies in need
  • For the Child Sponsors making such a huge difference to children's lives
  • The animals and crops at PV and how they help nourish the children and support the project
  • For all those supporters across the world praying and giving to this work.
  • For supporting charities like Health Tree Uganda
  • For the staff and their dedication to this work
  • Volunteers giving up their time to help

Please pray

  • That Potters Village will be able to raise funds through the ‘Bishop’s Walk’ function that is being organised in October
  • For stability with the economy in Uganda where families are struggling
  • For the children re-settled in the community that they may be cared for and thrive.
  • For all staff, whatever their role that they feel valued and show compassion to all those needing the support of Potter’s Village
  • For the children recently admitted, that they may feel loved despite such a difficult start to life.
  • For Idah (Administrator) and Board of Governors as they manage Potter’s Village
  • For Friends of Potter’s Village, that they will continue to have sufficient income and for good stewardship of donated funds.
  • For the Pick-up Truck appeal
  • That we find more long-term foster carers
  • For good health of the babies and specifically for baby Robert who is sick