Stem cell therapies can be life changing, but they have only been approved for a handful of conditions. That doesn’t stop thousands of clinics around the world – including in the US, Mexico, India and China – offering treatments for conditions ranging from hair loss to Parkinson’s.

Some of these clinics touting unproven stem cell treatments have been endorsed by celebrities. Often desperate people are shelling out thousands of dollars for treatments that can do little good and can cause serous harm. Darius Widera, a stem cell biologist, reports.

Every year, lists of the most liveable cities on Earth are produced. But in whose eyes are these cities liveable? The people who do live in them, or near them, may have very different criteria to those international groups that asses them. And as parts of Europe and the US are hit by more heatwaves, what can be done to help deal with them?

Clint Witchalls

Senior Health Editor, London

Xinhua/Alamy Stock Photo

Stem cell clinics: they can be expensive, unproven and dangerous

Darius Widera, University of Reading

Over 1,500 clinics are selling unapproved and unproven stem cell therapies.

The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. This fungus can cause a number of disorders in people with compromised immune function or other lung diseases. Kateryna Kon/Science Photo Library/GettyImages

Fungal infections in the brain aren’t just the stuff of movies – Africa grapples with a deadly epidemic

Rachael Dangarembizi, University of Cape Town

Africa is suffering from a silent, but costly, epidemic of fungal infections.

Dean Lewins/AAP

Penalties, passes, and a touch of politics: the Women’s World Cup is about to kick off

David Rowe, Western Sydney University

It’s the biggest sporting event in Australia since the 2000 Sydney Olympics.