In 2020, a play called Finist the Bright Falcon premiered in Moscow. It sought to understand the decisions of a group of young Russian women who were seduced online to become brides of Isis fighters and charged with terrorism offences when they returned home. Three years later, the theatre world was shocked when the women behind the play, writer Svetlana Petriychuk and director Evgeniya Berkovich, were themselves arrested.

The pair were charged with terrorism offences relating to Isis propaganda. If found guilty, they could face up to seven years in prison. While there’s seemingly no substantial evidence of their guilt, with the acquittal rate in the country’s courts standing at less than 1%, their chances don’t look good, as professor of Russian literature Julie Curtis explains.

Elsewhere, a new study has shown that the rising rate of divorce in Sweden is boosting gender equality – almost half of children with separated parents in the country now split their time equally between the two households. And professors of housing and public policy explain why Labour’s plan to ban tenant bidding wars might be easier said than done.

Anna Walker

Senior Arts + Culture Editor

Svetlana Petriychuk on trial in Moscow. EPA-EFE/Yuri Kochetkov

Feminist theatre on trial in Russia – the latest in Putin’s purge of contemporary culture

Julie Curtis, University of Oxford

It is the first time a playwright and director have been put on trial for a play in Russia.


How divorce is boosting gender equality in Sweden – new study

Helen Eriksson, Stockholm University

Almost half of children in Sweden with separated parents now split their time equally between the two households.

Diego Schtutman/Shutterstock

Labour wants to ban tenant bidding wars – it’s easier said than done though

Alex Marsh, University of Bristol; Kenneth Gibb, University of Glasgow

Keir Starmer says a Labour government would take action to stop bidding rounds organised by landlords, but will it work?


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