Communities of Practice Update
Brazil: The SSSA Team has completed the development of an agent-based model for the analysis of transitions to sustainable and low-carbon agriculture that will be applied to the Brazil case study. A paper collecting the main theoretical insights and high-level policy recommendations entitled, "Is green the new black? An ABM approach on transitions towards sustainable agriculture", has been submitted to the EAERE Annual Conference with a special session on "Tipping Points and Path-dependencies in Human-Earth Systems in Transition" organised in cooperation with the Climate Action Network.
China: On May 10th Prof Zhu participated in the bilateral meeting "Building EU-China Relations for the 21st Century" organised by Shanghai Academy of Global Governance & Area Studies and the Portuguese Consulate in Shanghai, delivering a speech entitled "EU-China Climate Cooperation Opportunities in 14th FYP" in which the EEIST project was highlighted.
The next CPr Meeting is on 22nd July. If you would like to attend please contact here with your details.
The Cambridge team is currently preparing interviews with policymakers in China, facilitated by ERI.
India has been hit by a severe wave of Coronavirus recently. However for Stage 1 work has continued by government on work that is relevant to our consortium, so although there have been delays, there are concrete intervention points. We will be contributing directly to the governement think tank Niti Aayog's energy modelling forum, with members of the team presenting on Cambridge Econometrics' E3ME model and its applications to the renewable transition. We also continue to engage with government advisors and FCDO posts directly on this question, and in relation to renewable energy and the sustainable transport transition.
For stage 2, the UCL team are finalising Milestone 2.2, on the theoretical framework for a complexity based policy appraisal framework, drawing heavily on the Exeter-led work on ROA Frameworks. Their main ongoing focus is developing the C1 deliverable, due to be published at the end of September in advance of COP26, and engaging the wider consortium in its development, including feedback from the CPrs where possible, (particularly on the selection and focus of the case studies that will be used to illustrate applcation of the ROA Framework). The next CPr meeting is on 27th July.
EU: Within the EU Communities of Practice over 20 interviews have now been completed and the analysis of the interview transcripts is underway. Three initial papers will be drafted before COP26. The abstract of two of the papers have been submitted to the 2021 EU Conference on modelling for policy support: collaborating across disciplines to tackle key policy challenges organised by The European Commission Competence Centre on Modelling (CC-MOD) taking place during the week of 22-26 November 2021, and the 'Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science' in Manchester during 4-7 April 2022.
UK: Following the success of the CPr event in March, the project is scoping our the next steps. There have been some engaging discussions with policymakers based at HMT (Her Majesty's Treasury) and DfT (Department for Transport). With HMT there have been discussions on the possibilities of input into the Green Book and with DfT around electric vehicles.