There’s a common misconception that men are better at so-called “mindsports” than women. Chess is a good example and, as we learned this week, so is the card game bridge. Both are taken ultra seriously by players, to the extent that highly competitive professional and amateur leagues are in operation around the world. And it’s men who generally sit at the top of those leagues, contributing to the idea that they’re somehow better wired to win. But research shows that something else is probably at play here, and it has far more to do with our prejudices than our brains.

In an article not to be read over breakfast, our microbiologist friend Primose Freestone investigates the curious (and, let’s be honest, foolhardy) decision taken by one man in Florida to eat nothing but raw chicken for 25 days. Freestone is especially interested in the news that John, the man in question, has somehow managed to avoid falling violently ill from this revolting diet. Could it be his soy sauce marinade or does this man have guts of steel? Is he even getting a little extra help from the medicine cabinet to avoid getting food poisoning?

As the Republican primaries head to her home state tomorrow, presidential candidate Nikki Haley knows she stands practically no chance of winning the nomination of her party over Donald Trump. The truth is she probably never had a chance, and nor did any of the other candidates. These five reasons illustrate why.

Also this week, some social media users think content about the war in Gaza is being “shadow banned” from their feeds – and they might be right. A team of economists put two and two together from Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer’s tax returns and come up with… a damning conclusion about capital gains tax. And beloved satirical puppet show Spitting Image turns 40.

Laura Hood

Senior Politics Editor, Assistant Editor

Elite bridge player Margherita Chavarria from Italy. Francesca Canali from the World Bridge Federation

From bridge to chess, why men outperform women at ‘mindsports’ – and what to do about it

Samantha Punch, University of Stirling

Male domination in bridge means there can be a lack of recognition of the structural barriers for women.

Don’t try this at home. Daria Miroshnikova/Shutterstock

Man eats raw chicken for 25 days – why isn’t he sick?

Primrose Freestone, University of Leicester

Florida man eats blended raw chicken but evades food poisoning. A microbiologist explains why.

Nikki Halley is one of the Republican candidates for president who stood against Donald Trump. White House Photo/Alamy

Five reasons why Trump’s Republican opponents were never going to beat him

Thomas Gift, UCL

Donald Trump started his march towards election with less than 50% support from the Republican electorate.

Social media and protest – a battleground for freedom of expression. Greg Finnegan/Shutterstock

Social media users say their Palestine content is being shadow banned – here’s how to know if it’s happening to you

Carolina Are, Northumbria University, Newcastle

An expert on social media explains how she proved she was being shadow banned – and how you can too.

Who gains wins. PA Images/Alamy Stock Photo

Capital gains: Sunak and Starmer’s tax bills show how the system benefits the rich

Arun Advani, University of Warwick; Andrew Lonsdale, London School of Economics and Political Science; Andy Summers, London School of Economics and Political Science

New research shows only 3% of the population paid any capital gains tax in the last decade.

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