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Thursday 25 July 2024

In this edition

Bird owners urged to remain vigilant
Report sick or dead birds to 1800 226 226

As we continue to respond to the avian flu outbreak, we’re urging bird owners to remain vigilant. 

Look out for symptoms and report any unexplained bird deaths to the VicEmergency hotline on 1800 226 226. 

For more information, visit

Protect your paddocks with a stock containment area
Stock containment area image

Farmers are encouraged to consider containment feeding to protect pastures and paddocks from soil erosion over the next few months. 

Land Management Extension Officer, Clem Sturmfels said paddocks with depleted pasture cover are susceptible to damage. Those most at-risk are on sloping ground and with a sandy topsoil.

‘Once pasture cover drops below 70 – 80%, damage to soil can occur. This damage can be wind erosion, sheet erosion, soil structure decline or a combination of all three,’ said Mr Sturmfels.

‘Continued overgrazing will also significantly damage pastures, resulting in reduced plant density and vigour.

‘Placing animals in a stock containment area (SCA) is the ideal way to protect paddocks in a dry season when ground cover has diminished,’ said Mr Sturmfels.

‘Setting up a SCA requires careful planning and design to make them efficient and easier to operate.’ 

Containment areas should allow two to five square metres per sheep and 10 to 15 square metres per cattle. Good fencing, appropriate subdivision to separate different classes of livestock, and water troughs with a reliable water supply are also required. 

‘Managing livestock in a SCA is a significant commitment and requires daily monitoring and maintenance to ensure the nutritional, water and health needs of stock are met,’ added Mr Sturmfels. 

Farmers looking for alternate options to protect their paddocks from soil erosion, could consider using a sacrifice paddock or a laneway as a temporary SCA, to restrict damage to a smaller area of the farm.

Farmers are advised to check with a local Council Planning Officer before starting construction of a stock containment area as a planning permit may be required in some situations.

Find out more about stock containment areas.

Getting the rations right
Getting rations right banner image

Weighing up the value of rations is critical to managing feed in dry seasons.

Check out these tools for making rations to ensure stock performance. Visit here

Avian influenza response continues in Victoria

Agriculture Victoria continues to respond to the detection of high pathogenicity avian influenza at 8 Victorian poultry farms, with no new infected properties identified since 24 June. Between 120-160 staff are deployed on any given day.

Victorian Government staff have completed more than 5,000 surveillance activities, including property visits, phone calls and dead bird collections, and tested over 16,300 samples.

Agriculture Victoria staff continue to work with affected properties supporting decontamination, egg and litter disposal. A comprehensive surveillance program of all commercial poultry farms in the area is also underway.

Residents nearby to the infected properties are receiving regular text messages and calls from Agriculture Victoria to confirm the health of any poultry on their property.

Poultry owners are reminded that movement controls remain in place near Terang, Meredith and Lethbridge. Permits are required for the movement of birds, poultry products and feed. These are expected to remain in place until the situation stabilises.

There is also a housing requirement in place, meaning all birds in the restricted area or control area near the infected properties must remain in their enclosures, to avoid any contact with wild birds.

'We appreciate that in these areas it’s not always easy to have your birds housed and we thank bird owners for their essential support to prevent the spread of this disease, as the risk of the disease remains,' said Victoria’s Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Graeme Cooke.

'I’d also like to acknowledge the poultry industry for their ongoing assistance as we work to eradicate avian influenza from Victoria. It’s already been a huge effort, but we encourage all primary producers to remain vigilant and report any unwell poultry to the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.'

Agriculture Victoria staff are also providing information at community pop-up stands in Terang and Bannockburn areas each week.

Infected properties continue to be decontaminated and the risk of infection removed, as Agriculture Victoria works towards achieving freedom of avian influenza for Victoria’s poultry industry.

Individual affected farms can experience significant financial stress. Compensation is payable under specified circumstances for destruction of livestock and property on infected premises.

Other supports available include:

A comprehensive list of resources and contact details for industry and individual support, including technical, financial and mental health information, support and services, in our resource directory.

Agriculture Victoria continues to urge poultry farmers, backyard flock and bird owners to report any cases of unexplained bird deaths to the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.

While cases among humans in direct contact with animals infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses are possible, the current risk to the public remains low.

If you have had contact with birds on an affected property and you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, call your doctor or the Department of Health on 1300 651 160 for medical advice.

More information, including movement permits, compensation details and mental health resources, are available online at

Rural Financial Counselling Service
RFCS banner image

The Rural Financial Counselling Service provides a free and confidential financial counselling service to eligible farmers and small related enterprises who are experiencing, or at risk of, financial hardship.

They can help you to access available support, analyse your business situation, negotiate with lenders and develop strategies to improve your financial position.

To find your closest service click here or call 1300 771 741.

Take part in our livestock predation survey
Livestock survey banner image

Agriculture Victoria is seeking up-to-date data to better understand how wild dogs and dingoes are affecting Victorian livestock farmers.

The livestock predation survey will collect data from farmers about incidents of livestock predation by wild dogs and dingoes on their properties, including:

  • the levels and frequency of livestock attacks
  • how livestock attacks impact farmers and their local communities
  • the effectiveness and efficiency of lethal and non-lethal control methods.

This survey is targeted to livestock producers across the whole of Victoria. Participation is voluntary.

Data collected through the survey will help inform a review of the policies and regulations for the management of livestock predation and conservation of dingoes in Victoria.

In partnership with Traditional Owners, Agriculture Victoria will commence formal consultation in the coming weeks, with farmers, ecologists, industry and other stakeholders being invited to participate and provide feedback.

Duration: The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

Confidentiality: This survey is confidential and anonymous. It does not ask for your name. No information about individuals will be released. DEECA’s privacy policy can be found here.

Deadline: The survey will close at 11:59 pm on 6 August 2024.

Click here to access the survey

We are grateful for your time and participation. The data you provide is invaluable to us and the broader agricultural community.

If you have any questions please email the team at

Reducing the impacts of cold weather on stock
Sheep and lambs in shelter paddock image

Reducing the impacts of cold weather on livestock is essential to both animal production and welfare.

The impact of cold weather, particularly when combined with wet and windy conditions and low pasture availability, can severely affect livestock that are already low in body condition.

Where cold stress is likely, providing shelter in sheltered paddocks or those with windbreaks, and increasing the availability of digestible and palatable feed will assist livestock to maintain normal body temperature and production — minimising the effects of cold stress.

For more info go to our website or consult your private vet or local animal health staff via our Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

Grants now available for ag and pastural societies

Victorian agricultural and pastoral societies looking to improve their infrastructure or boost awareness and involvement in regional shows will get more support from the Victorian Government.

The $300,000 Agricultural and Pastoral Society Grants Program is open to applications ahead of the 2024/25 show season.

The program aims to support agricultural and pastoral societies in projects that help stimulate community involvement in activities that promote agriculture.

Eligible organisations can apply for grants of up to $10,000 for infrastructure development and other business activities to celebrate Victoria’s agricultural communities, industry and produce.

The grants can be used to upgrade or establish new facilities, enhance public amenities, improve essential infrastructure, improve business management activities, biosecurity planning and promote reporting of livestock movements.

Applications close on 23 August.

To learn more about the Agricultural and Pastoral Society Grants Program or to apply today, visit

Dairy farmers use of antibiotics survey

Dairy farmers are invited to participate in a University of Melbourne survey about the responsible use of antibiotics.

The information and opinions you provide will help researchers to develop ways of measuring and reporting antibiotic use that are meaningful and useful to livestock producers.

Complete the survey here.

Landowners and Renewable Energy Developments: what you need to know webinar recording

The recording of the Landowners and Renewable Energy Developments: what you need to know webinar is now available.

The purpose of the webinar was to provide reliable information about the renewable energy transition and the processes involved with renewable energy developments.

In Hume and Loddon Mallee regions landowners in suitable areas are being contacted by developers exploring potential locations for solar farms, wind farms or battery storge systems for connection to the electricity grid.

The 90 minute webinar featured presentations from the following organisations:

  • Energy transition – VicGrid (DEECA)
  • Farmers role in the energy transition – Farmers for Climate Action 
  • Best practice from developers - Clean Energy Council
  • Landowner rights and avenues for complaints – Office of the Australian Energy Infrastructure   Commissioner
  • Farmer experience - a local farmer who leases land for a solar farm
  • Planning and approvals process – Department of Transport and Planning.

The recording, transcript, slides and list of resources are now available on Agriculture Victoria’s Energy Smart Farming website.

Listen to the latest AgVic Talk episode on biosecurity basics
Backyard chicken image

Chickens are a popular backyard companion.

From eggs in the morning to wandering around the backyard – they are entertaining feathered friends. 

In this episode, Cathy Ronalds and Agriculture Victoria’s Dr Dianne Phillips discuss looking after the health and wellbeing of your chooks and maintaining good at-home biosecurity practices.

Listen via the AgVic website.

Fox and wild dog bounty

Victoria’s bounty collections continue.

Please continue to check our website for the latest information, collection centres and dates. CLICK HERE

For any assistance, please speak to our bounty collection staff on collection days or call our Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

In case you missed it

Support for north-west Victorian wine grape growers

North-west Victorian wine grape growers will soon benefit from increased access to support from the Rural Financial Counselling Service thanks to the investment by the Victorian Government.

Click here for the full media release

What's On

Details about Agriculture Victoria events can now be found in one spot on our website.

Log on to to find out what's on.

Coldstream – Young Farmer Business Bootcamp

Are you a young farmer in the horticulture sector that’s looking to upskill?

Agriculture Victoria is running a horticulture business bootcamp that aims to support the next generation of growers, business owners and managers to improve their skills and management practices.

When: 30 – 31 July

Where 12 Kelso Street, Coldstream

The bootcamp will be delivered by Agriculture Victoria and ION Group, covering the following topics:

  • Day 1: Farm business performance and profitable decision making
  • Day 2: Risk, resilience and adapting to change
  • Online session: Natural resource management
  • A free one-on-one session with a consultant is offered to participants that attend both the workshop and online session!

The two day workshop will run July 30 and 31, followed by an online session August 5.

The bootcamp is free to all participants.

Register HERE

Dimboola – Take a well-being break workshop
Workshop at Dimboola banner image

Looking after your well-being and connecting with others is important in challenging times.

This fun, practical Take a Well-Being Break workshop brings farmers, farming families/couples in your community together to provide well-being tools and information, connect and share ideas, and to identify strategies you can immediately implement to positively impact your well-being.

Join us for an evening workshop on Wednesday 7 August from 6 - 9 pm at the Dimboola Bowling Club.

Tickets are $10 with all proceeds being donated to the Rural Outreach Centre.

A light supper will be provided. Please advise us of any special dietary requirements. This is an alcohol-free event.

Date: Wednesday, 7 August from 6 - 9 pm 
Location: Dimboola Bowling Club, 51 Lloyd St, Dimboola.

Register here

The workshop is funded by the Farm Business Resilience Program, which is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund & the Victorian Government’s Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund. It's supported by Wimmera Women Connect, Birchip Cropping Group, Hindmarsh Shire & Wimmera Southern Mallee Development.

Livestock 2024 Conference – August, Albury NSW
2024 Livestock Conference banner image

The Southern Australia Livestock Research Council (SALRC) is excited to announce their third biennial Livestock Conference with the overarching theme of Environmental challenges and opportunities for Australian livestock industries.

Sessions will include keynote speakers and group workshop activities and cover the following:

  • improving land, air and water
  • solutions for human capacity
  • economic considerations and market impacts.

Click here for more information about the upcoming conference.

If you would like to register for conference updates you can join the mailing list here.

74th Australasian Grain Conference
Grain conference banner image

74th Australasian Grain Science Conference
Innovations in Grain Science

When: 20 – 22 August 

Where: Collins Square, Docklands, Melbourne.

The Australasian Grain Science Association (AGSA) holds an annual conference for grain scientists, post-graduate students, nutritionists, and others with an interest in grain science.

The aim is to advance knowledge and understanding of grain science and the grains industry. This meeting is an opportunity for the grains industry to openly discuss the latest innovations in grains research.

This year, the conference will be held in Australia’s café capital, Melbourne. #AGSA24 will cover a range of topics including:

  • latest developments in science and technology
  • commercialisation of science
  • food nutrition from grains and biproducts
  • plant-based products
  • advances in crop adaptation in variable climate.

To register click here

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Contacting Agriculture Victoria

Call 136 186 from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles and public telephones).

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or

All contact points can be found at:

Don't forget to check out Agriculture Victoria's social media sites for up-to-date information and news.



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