Well look at that - we turned around and March has snuck up upon us already. Ay caramba! We hope the year has started well for you! We feel pretty darn lucky to be stepping into our seventh year of servicing y’all with our designs - thank you so much for entrusting us with your projects. Blessed beyond words and measure!
The goss from the studio
Anna has returned to work a couple of days a week (for a good sit-down and respite from the twin-ergies). Our very own ebullient Claire is radiantly designing AS WELL as growing a tiny human, who we are very much looking forward to meeting in May. Lindsey is currently in Melbourne saying howdy to some of our amazing clients in the very big smoke. Kristy is dazed, confused and still coming to terms with having a son in year 11 at school. This week we say Auf Wiedersehen to Frederic who is back off to Germany after a month of amazing design contribution to Black Canvas (or Schwarze Leinwand - if you can trust google translate). Deneise, Bunsom, Laura and Helen (our casual keepers) are being wonderfully productive - clicking and clacking on the keyboards.
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We hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Please read on for some of our latest projects! Thanks, Kristy + Anna