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What's On in the Arts in Central Otago - November

Historic Clyde Inc is seeking public support to generate the funds required to get Project
Karearea happening. This sculpture will be positioned on the large grassy mound between the highway and the side road that goes down to the Dairy Creek boat ramp – it will be visible from both ends of the highway. The Karearea is to be constructed out of recycled material and fixed onto an 8m Air dried Blue Gum log. The plinth will be set 2 meters into the ground with a concrete foundation, and the Sculpture will reach a height of 5.5 meters. The total cost of the project is $74,000 incl GST, being $65,000 construction and engineering and $9,000 installation. Dan Kelly, a well-known Glenorchy sculptor has designed the work. Historic Clyde Inc is looking to raise funds through grants and other fund-raising activities to contribute to the project but they would also like to ask the community for cash donations to contribute to the costs of creating and installing this
beautiful sculpture. If you would like to donate towards this project or would like to read more information please click on this link - http://www.historicclyde.co.nz/art.../project-karearea/ 
Members of the Central Otago Cantabile Choir Cantabile conductor and educator, Carole Randall, has brought together a group of women who love to sing and who gain pleasure from each other’s
company. The choir started in 2020 as a small group and has grown over time. Their repertoire includes songs such as Sting’s Fields of Gold and the well-known Streets of London made famous by Roger Whitaker. Much of their portfolio is sung in three-or-four-part harmony, but this concert will include some Christmas favourites with a simpler arrangement where members of the public will be encouraged to sing along. The Berries and Song concert will be held in the lovely setting of Monte Christo’s Raspberry Café with the opportunity to sit outside in their mature garden and take in the ambiance. The Raspberry Café will be open to the
public during the performance and as such the usual menu will be available. Supporting artists include The Gentlemen Singers, Nia du Plessis, Connor McDowall and Hannah McDowall, the latter three being talented Dunstan High School students who are taught by Carole. Carole has a wide experience with choirs. While living in Dunedin she was the conductor of the Dunedin Star Singers and she is a current member of the Central Otago Regional Choir. She works with the NZ Secondary Students’ Choir with responsibility for logistics management and student welfare when accompanying them on tours and attending workshops. Carole is the chairperson of the NZ Choral Federation Otago region and has coordinated the Big Sing Festivals for many years. Plans underway to revisit the inaugural Cover to Cover event on November 28th have been put on the backburner as our guest author is unable to travel (due to COVID restrictions). We anticpate the event to go ahead in April 2022. Keep an eye out for advertising in the coming months. Enjoy November and everything on in the arts in Central Otago. Rebekah
What's On