Mara Purl | Milford Haven Novels Newsletter

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July 2023 - Revelation

This is the "R" word for the month of July. Of course, Revolution would be another appropriate word, as we celebrate the genesis of the United States. As the fledgling nation gathered itself to organize for independence, it had to break away from the mother country.

But before a new country could be born, the idea had to appear, revealing itself as a possibility.  And this is how most grand ideas appear: as a revelation.

Sometimes it's just the germ of an idea that appears, like a tiny seed. It needs protection and nurturing, the only elements that allow that seed to germinate. Once it does, it can take root, poke up above the soil, and appear as a flower, a bush, a tree -- or a novel.

Sometimes an idea seems to reveal itself whole, which can be most surprising. This is what happened when Milford-Haven USA first occurred to me. I saw the fictional town, its characters, its topography, its very identity, and what would draw people to live there. Writing those scripts -- all 100 of them -- for the radio show was never arduous. The characters spoke to me and I transcribed what they said.

Granted, there was quite a lot of homework and experience that preceded that moment. I had listened to vintage radio dramas rebroadcast on AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio & Television Service) as part of the "shadow" audience of American civilians living in Tokyo. I grew up in a theatre family and started writing and performing in plays at about age five. I co-starred in a television series starting at age nine. So I was familiar with these forms, which felt as natural as breathing.

When Milford-Haven revealed itself, it was a privilege and a joy. It was also a responsibility. When the Muse gifts us, we do not ignore nor disrespect her offering. My mentor Louis L'Amour met with me near the end of his life. He gave me a kind of oral exam combined with a pep talk that would stay with me forever. First he peppered me with questions: How many characters? How many storylines? How extensive the research? What are the plot twists? I answered without hesitation, the answers in the forefront of my mind. He pondered for a moment, nodding. "You have found your niche, your path, your franchise," he said. "Do not abandon it, no matter how difficult it becomes." I took his words to heart and here I am with twelve books, multiple awards and bestseller lists. As I like to say, after thirty years, I'm an overnight success :-)

Revelations are big stuff. They're transformative. They instigate a shift in consciousness and awareness. Just in case we think they're insignificant, here's the definition of the word:


  1. A surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way.
  2. The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world.

Wow. The founding mothers and fathers of our nation had a huge revelation that was anything but easy to fulfil, but too important not to attempt. What incredible new experiences await us when we're alert to special flashes of insight, stunning ideas, or even small but precious idea-seeds?

Ideas can lead to everything from new recipes to new countries, and everything in between. I wish you joy in your next Revelation journey! Happy July! Happy Summer! Happy reading!

Summer Vacation (Virtual) Book Tour

My friend and fellow author Tammy L. Grace and I started a super fun series of events this summer, Tammy & Mara's Summer Reading Book Tour! We'll have two more Book Stops, one each in July, and August.

Our first Book Stop was awesome! Our marvelous guest was Rebecca Forster. We three shared insights, humor, stories you'll want to hear. And you can view the replay! I promise, it'll be an hour that flies by and will be well spent:

In case you missed it, no worries!

Giveaways . . . contests . . . conversations . . . this was a very special In-Your-Living room time of sharing and exploring, laughing and just having fun!

We have an all-star lineup of guest authors, and we hope you'll mark these dates on your calendar and join us. We'll be live on Tammy's author page on FaceBook and we'll continue to post details.

  • Book Stop #2 Guest author Kay Bratt
  • When  July 26th at 4pm Pacific/ 7pm Eastern
  • Book Stop #2 Guest author Bette Lee Crosby
  • When - August 16th at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern

Co-Host Author Tammy L. Grace

In case you missed our first bookstop, I can hardly wait to introduce you to my wonderful friend Tammy L. Grace. She has a vivid, creative mind for story, and a tremendous heart for readers. The moment you open one of her books, you'll feel her take you gently by the hand as she leads you into a tale full of friendship, wisdom, and love.

Tammy just loves her readers, and has created wonderful groups where they---and you---can connect, share ideas, offer insights, and discover a level of fun with fellow readers you may never have experienced before.

She has written several series, and her latest is all about a lovely fictional place called Lavender Valley. At the center of her story is a woman named Jewel whose heart is so big that over her long years she fosters many children, A small number of them really become her daughters, and as the series continues, we learn the stories of each of them. Tammy will be offering her prequel novel Greetings from Lavender Valley for FREE.

Co-Host Mara Purl

This is already proving to be such an interesting and fun way to connect with those of you who already know my books, and with a lot of readers for whom my series will be something new and different.

During our summer-long virtual tour started, I'm offering a DISCOUNTED book. Why not start with the prequel? When the Heart Listens is an award-winner and best-seller that will give readers the back-story of why and how protagonist Miranda moved from the big city of San Francisco to the little town of Milford-Haven.

Sibling rivalry, parental angst, courage and some gorgeous scenery form the backdrop for personal growth, breakthroughs and an almost magically unfolding sense of home in this story.

July Guest - Kay Bratt

Kay Bratt has been described as southern, spicy, and a little sassy. She's a USA Today best selling author with multiple series and I know you'll enjoy getting to know her.

As a wanderer, Kay has lived in nearly three dozen different homes, on two continents and in states from coast to coast in the USA. She’s traveled to Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Philippines, Central America, Bahamas, and Australia. Currently she and her soulmate of more than 25 years enjoy life in their forever home on the banks of Lake Hartwell in Georgia, USA.

She'll be joining us in offering a special deal for our attendees. And I'll bring you more information in the special newsletter that I'll send out shortly before our July event.

Novels Book Bundle!

Reading a series in sequence can really be fun! So even though my novels can be enjoyed on their own, they're more exciting in their chronological order. So this month, I'm offering a June Bundle!

Purchase softcover editions of Novels #1, #2, and #3 (the latest) and we'll ship you the prequel novella for free.

How it works:

  1. Order the 3 books from any bookseller you prefer.
  2. Email me your receipt along with your shipping address.
  3. We'll ship the prequel directly to you.

Titles to Order:

  • What the Heart Knows (Novel #1)
  • Where the Heart Lives (Novel #2)
  • Why Hearts Keep Secrets (Novel #3)

FREE Title you'll receive:

  • When the Heart Listens (Prequel)

Convenient links to get you started:

Special Hardcover Edition

The Milford-Haven Novels, Novellas, and Novelettes now include eleven books, all of which are available in ebook and softcover editions.

The core novels at this point are a Trilogy, bringing Miranda to the happiness she sought all through the series so far. The books in this trilogy are available in special hardcover editions. Remember these? Gorgeous, made to last, and works of art from inside to outside. These are available via special order and several readers have ordered them. They come signed and artfully wrapped.

The case binding is ocean-blue with silver spine lettering, the dust jacket is beautifully printed, and the trim size matches Novels #1 and #2---in case you're a collector. To arrange for your copy, please email My publishing manager Tara Goff will take your order and give you all the details.

BONUS: If you choose to pay a bit extra for shipping, we will send you hardcovers of Novels #1 and #2 for FREE!

Next in Milford-Haven

Yes, I'm working on Novel #4, Whose Hearts Align. There will be so much still left to find out! What happens with Meredith, Zack, Samantha, Jack, Sally and Tony?? It's about half written and in the chronology, follows immediately after Why Hearts Keep Secrets.

Remember Miranda's sister Meredith? Whip-smart and stunningly gorgeous, she's otherwise quite an opposite to Miranda: confrontive where her sister is shy, abrasive where her sibling is gentle, and fiercely determined to succeed at work and at love. And, of course, there's quite a bit more to the continuing story.

We're aiming for a launch date of September 29, 2023 -- World Heart Day. Excuse me, I better get back to writing!

New Genre New Book Form

The new genre is Cli-Fi. Heard of it yet? It's short for Climate Fiction (just as Sci-Fi is short for Science Fiction.) You could say it's a sub-set of SciFi because it wrangles with science.

Is it really new? Not to me. From the date when my radio drama Milford-Haven first hit the air on a tiny radio station in the small town of Cambria (1987) to the time it became a hit on BBC radio (1992), my show was always referred to as "The First Environmental Soap Opera." Key storylines involved a developer versus an environmental director in my fictional town, and my protagonist has always been an artist who paints wildlife, and therefore must spend time in nature, noticing its behavior and nuances.

It is often the job of good fiction to foresee what's likely to happen next. Just ask Margaret Atwood, Arthur C. Clark, and many others. When it comes to the issue of climate, at last, the world---and the world of fiction---is catching up.

Milford-Haven is taking a leap forward and doing some short-term prediction with the upcoming launch of a new form of book: the Novelline. What is it? A novel-novella with two special elements.

1 - Serial story-telling, which I've been inhabiting now for three decades.

2 - Linkages to the works of fellow authors. I'll be including fictional elements from other authors' books and series, creating an expanded tapestry for multiple participants.

I first introduced this concept in a guest post about shorter fiction on Anne R. Allen's wonderful blog in 2018. What fun to be developing it now! Though complex and challenging, this new form points to the inclusivity and synergy I encourage and support in fellow authors. And for our readers, it'll be a world of bonuses. Stay tuned!

With the Dreams in Milford-Haven

With the Dreams in Milford-Haven will be a "flash forward" that introduces the next-gen Milford-Haventies. My team and I are planning for this to be released on March 11, 2024 -- "World Dreams Day."

Since it's set in the near future, it has required some of my favorite and most engaging research, mostly centered on global warming and recycling issues. But while my characters, many of whom work in the sciences, wrangle with these to find solutions, they also wrestle with their own deepest desires. You'll meet Morgan Jones-Smith who . . . well, I better stop there. Spoiler Alert! I promise to keep you posted! One huge clue, though, is the cover, featuring another beautiful watercolor by Mary Helsaple. The view is from inside artist Miranda Jones' studio, looking toward a rainbow arcing across the property that . . . well, you can read about that in Novel #3, Why Hearts Keep Secrets!

Update from Wales

Drum roll please! The local U.K. edition of our book is now hot off the presses! The launch party in Milford Haven, Wales on June 22nd was nothing short of inspiring! My partner Sue Davies spoke, as did Colin Sharp, both with the Museum. I spoke via Zoom.

When our students tood up to talk about what this project had meant to them, and how thrilled they were to be published authors, I don't think there was a dry eye. Then the community leaders shared why this project had meant so much to them, and how they hoped projects like this would continue.

This book is the result of our year-long literacy project in Wales. This first run will be for the student-contributors, their families, the local community, and the Museum in Milford Haven, Wales, with whom I co-created the project. The text is printed in both English and Welsh.

I am thrilled and humbled to have instigated this project, which now has grown well beyond its first iteration on paper. We'll be doing individual launches at our schools, and we're working on the U.S. edition. I will keep you posted!

Upcoming Events

My 2023 Calendar at a glance:

  • July 26 - Summer Book Tour Book Stop #2 with Mara Purl, Tammy Grace & Special Guest Kay Bratt
  • August 28 - Summer Book Tour Book Stop #3 with Mara Purl, Tammy Grace & Special Guest Betty Lee Crosby
  • September 11th - Colorado Authors Hall of Fame induction gala, Denver
  • September 29th - Theatrical reading of "Becoming Julia Morgan", Cambria
  • September 29th - Whose Hearts Align launch on "World Heart Day"
  • October 8th- Milford-Haven Lighthouse Party celebration, Central Coast
  • October 14th - Central Coast Writers Conference
  • October 29th - Why Hearts Keep Secrets & With the Dreams in Milford-Haven - "Secrets & Dreams Book Tea", Los Angeles
  • December - Where Xmas Marks the Spot book launch
  • February 2024 - Publishing at Sea Cruise, Los Angeles to Mexico
  • March 11th 2024 - With the Dreams in Milford-Haven book launch

Women Writing the West - Colorado Members

This is one of my very favorite groups, and I always feel it's an honor to belong. Fellow author Linda Wommack, an outstanding author of non-fiction historical books, once again notified Colorado members. Then fellow author Leslee Breene stepped up to host all 16 of us at her beautiful home in Denver. We do a "round robin" to catch up, and wow, the accomplishments, new books, awards, insights, projects undertaken by each attendee was inspiring, as always. We all even got to sit in Leslee's beautiful tree-deck! It was a special time. The most exciting news I got to share was that Linda Wommack herself will be inducted into the Colorado Authors Hall of Fame in September! I hope WWW members will indeed put together a table to celebrate her!

CO Authors Hall of Fame Gala

Here's a special date to put on your September calendar: September 11th, Patriot's Day, the next Induction Ceremony at the Colorado Authors Hall of Fame.

We induct new members every other year, and this sparkling, inspiring evening is not to be missed!

  • What - Induction Ceremony & Gala, Colorado Authors Hall of Fame
  • When - Monday, September 11th
  • Where - Hilton Doubletree at Denver Tech Center
  • Tickets (Link) - Registration coming soon

Publishing at Sea

The 2024 Cruise will be a different story. Quite different, actually, because it will be our first West Coast cruise! We will depart from my home city of Los Angeles, and cruise to the iconically beautiful ports of Mexico!

Aside from the fun, beauty, and relaxation of cruising, what is Publishing at Sea all about? Your breakthrough. For authors, publishers, illustrators, editors, and anyone involved in the creation and marketing of books, this is your opportunity to attend dynamic sessions, work one-on-one with experts, and create the book you've been dreaming of away from distractions. Ask anyone who has been on a previous cruise with us. It works!

  • What: Publishing at Sea Cruise
  • When February 2 - 9, 2024
  • Where: Port of Los Angeles
  • Ports of Call: Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, & Puerto Vallarta
  • Reserve now: or 303-885-2207

My Heart is Grateful . . .

. . . for an especially  busy and productive June! I'm grateful for two terrific group book signings at two beautiful Barnes & Noble stores in Colorado. Thank you again to those who joined us. I'm grateful for the Women Writing the West gathering of local members. I'm grateful for June's Aspiring Authors Mentorship presenter Kelly Johnson. She somehow manages to make complex tech tools look simple, greatly enhancing the progress of all the authors she coaches.

I'm grateful for service activities I so enjoy. On the Board of the Colorado Authors Hall of Fame, there's great excitement about our upcoming Induction ceremony, and the beautiful progress of our mentoring program and the young authors who received our scholarships. I chair a Climate group and both the research and the remarkable guests who present for us help us grapple with best practices to prevent further global warming, while inspiring exciting ideas for my CliFi Novellines.

And I'm grateful to you, my readers and followers, particularly those of you who joined us on FaceBook for our first Book Stop on the Summer Tour. There were nearly 5,000 of you! We are so appreciative.

Your comments there, and all your comments on sites like Amazon and GoodReads are immensely valuable! And I hope to see ALL of you during our continuing Summer Book Tour on-oline. Wherever you are, have a wonderful start to summer as July gets rolling. I'm sure you'll be experiencing your own special revelations and I look forward to hearing about them! Happy Independence Day! Happy July! And happy reading!

As always, love and gratitude, from my heart to yours!