No images? Click here ![]() News from the College of Business, Government & Law We acknowledge the traditional owners, both past and present, of the various locations Flinders University operates on, and recognise their continued relationship and responsibility to these lands and waters. We recognise that Flinders was established on the lands of the Kaurna nation, with the main Flinders campus located near Warriparinga. Welcome to the September edition of the College of Business, Government and Law newsletter. Our lead story this month is the 2022 Elliott Johnston AO QC Oration, delivered by Flinders Law graduate and Director of the NT Aboriginal Justice Unit Leanne Liddle. It was an inspiring presentation and a timely reminder of our responsibility to contribute towards the Reconciliation Action Plan across the University.
Michael Gilding Welcome to the BGL community ![]() L-R: Daniel Padovan, Peter McDonald, Melissa Dowling, Joel Lisk A warm welcome to our new staff members joining the college. Daniel Padovan — Associate Lecturer (Business) Red Silk, Black Voices ![]() Last week, NT Australian of the Year 2022 and Director of the Aboriginal Justice Unit (NT) Leanne Liddle delivered a moving 2022 Elliott Johnston AO QC Oration: "Red Silk, Black Voices" "How does one ignore such an important and integral human right with an ad hoc dismissal when we knew what was at stake?" asked Liddle, about how two of the most critical recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody - of arrest and secondly
imprisonment as a last resort for Aboriginal people - were not spoken about in any training or deliverable or arrest in her time at SAPOL. The reports for the Your Voice Survey 2022 for the College of BGL can now be accessed on the College webpage There are three reports: All College of BGL, and also all College broken down by Academic staff and Professional staff separately. Congratulations on Living the College Mission, James! Dr James Scheibner has been awarded this month for 'Living the College Mission' James teaches the topic 'Law in a Digital Age' - a unique offering in Australian undergraduate law degrees, and one which directly relates to the BGL mission. "I teach LLAW3301 Law in a Digital Age, a unique offering in Australian undergraduate law degrees. In this topic, students use the open source document assembly platform Docassemble to construct legal chatbots for real world industry clients," Scheibner says. Tell us how you're living the College Mission and you could be the next winner of a Flinders hoodie - perfect for these wintry months! Enter now. Expect More of Law ![]() A brand-new advertising campaign for Law At Flinders, you can Expect More of Law: that is the message at the heart of our new campaign for Flinders Law. Student Madison
Millward is at the centre of the campaign, for which a new suite of videos and photographs have been created. Celebrate 30 years of Law with a new Teams background BGL in the 2023 Flinders advertising campaign ![]() Dr Simone Deegan (Lecturer) and Heath Wingard (B. Business Sports Management current student) are featured in Flinders University's Semester 1 2023 central university campaign, currently in market. The new TV commercial went live on Sunday August 7 and ran until the end of the month, and the advertising presence will continue to ramp up on social media, outdoor billboards, bus backs, radio and more as per the standard higher education advertising cycle. Flinders at Festival Plaza continues to grow ![]() Photo of Flinders at Festival Plaza by Brenton Edwards. Flinders at Festival Plaza is on the way up! Photographer Brenton Edwards recently visited the site of our future city campus - and as can be seen in the picture above, the construction team are making excellent progress. Research Researcher Spotlight: "Are our human services systems delivering the services, outcomes and impacts people and communities need? How do we create better places for all people? Can we end ‘wicked problems’ like homelessness? These are big questions. They are the questions that motivate me in my research every day." Educator Spotlight: Daniel utilises a coaching approach to teaching and is very passionate about engaging and motivating students to succeed and achieve their goals. He also makes sure students can have some laughs and enjoy learning about the sports industry which they are passionate about. SA Governor Frances Adamson and Dr Rong Zhu Dr Rong Zhu won the 2022 SA Young Tall Poppy Science Award Our very own Rong Zhu was awarded the 2022 “SA Young Tall Poppy Science Award” last month. Created in 1998, this award recognises young scholars' contributions to research and communication and community engagement. ![]() L: Di Thompson, R: PJ Tan and supervisors Svetlana Bogomolova and Lucy Simmonds. Di and PJ were the winner and runner up in the CBGL Three Minute Thesis Competition. Flinders University Finalist for 3MT Competition A huge congratulations to Di Thompson for being one of the winners in the Three Minute Thesis Semi-Final. As such she will be one of 7 PhD students taking part in the Flinders University 3MT Final today, competing for the top spot in the University Final and a chance to represent Flinders at the Asia-Pacific Final. Good luck, Di! ![]() Congratulations to Profesor Tania Leiman and Madi McCarthy for winning The Law Society's Bulletin Article of the Year Award! Madi McCarthy and Professor Tania Leiman’s article, Sex with Robots: How should the law
respond? examines the development of technology that facilitates new forms of intimate connection, surveys the moral and ethical landscape surrounding the technology, and looks how the law is starting to grapple with this issue and how it might deal with it as it becomes more integrated into modern life. ![]() New book: Innovation and Leadership in the Public Sector Mahmoud Moussa, Leonie Newnham, Adela McMurray, Nuttawuth Muenjohn are the authors of newly-released book Innovation and Leadership in the Public Sector: The Australian Experience. ![]() Since the last edition of the newsletter until 16 August, BGL researchers had eight articles included in top 10% / A* / A / Q1 ranked journals. Education 📚 ![]() VISTA is part of the CBGL Learning and Teaching Academy VISTA stands for 'Versatile Innovation in Scholarly Teaching Approaches' and provides an opportunity for discussions and research about teaching. The VISTA Team is Jak Kakhkharov, Jessica Genauer, Rajesh Johnsam, Roger Howley and Samantha Kontra. You can access VISTA on the Learning and Teaching Academy FLO Page. Alumni Read about 30 years of Law, and MBA and Accounting alumni in this year's edition of Encounter Understanding ancient truths, making an indelible mark on public health and steering a company in the right direction - Encounter magazine celebrates our amazing alumni and highlights the work of our trailblazing researchers. Did you know? 💭
RSPCA Cupcake Day ![]()
Important Dates 📅
Do you have news to share?
If you have news about achievements, awards, upcoming events in the College (including online events), new research, media articles or anything else that may be of interest to your fellow colleagues, we want to hear from you by EOD Friday, 16 September. ![]() |