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A huge thank you to our readers who have donated to the cause over the last month – we’re incredibly grateful for your support, and for your vote of confidence in the journalism The Conversation publishes. Quarter Life, our stream of practical advice for 20- to 30-somethings, has recently been nominated for “Editorial Innovation of the Year” in the Drum Awards for Online Media alongside nominees from the likes of ITV – another indication that others value what we do, which we’re very excited about.

With three weeks left of our spring campaign, we’re 78% of the way towards our donation target. Today our experts examine the science of the smile, and why among political leaders it’s only Boris Johnson’s smile that had an impact on voters. We look at why pupils from poorer families do worse at school, and how to reverse that attainment gap. And how the new remake of The Little Mermaid sees Ariel finally break the “Disney princess” mould.

Whether it’s insight into popular culture or science from the experts who study them, or solutions-focused articles that offer research-driven advice, The Conversation is free to read so our experts’ work can spread widely and inform the world, helping readers make better decisions. That’s why in this last push to reach our target we’re asking you to help fund our independent, expert journalism.

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Thank you for your support, and thanks for reading.

Jo Adetunji


Alamy/PA/Jordan Pettitt

Why learning to smile like Boris Johnson should be top of Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak’s to-do lists

Carl Senior, Aston University; Erik P. Bucy, Texas Tech University; Nick Lee, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

Charisma matters in elections campaigns, as a study carried out just before the 2019 election shows.

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