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This three-day conference will feature three lunchtime plenary speakers sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Institute for the Transformation of Medical Education. The in-person luncheon plenary sessions on Tuesday and Thursday will take place from noon – 1:15 p.m. in Bolger Auditorium and will also be streamed online. The Wednesday plenary session will take place online from noon – 1:15 p.m. Rachel Kavanaugh, PharmD, BCACP and Carolyn Oxencis, PharmD, BCOP will deliver our very first Fireside Chat in-person on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 1:30 p.m. Karen Marcdante, MD, will moderate our first World Café later that day at 4:00 p.m. Our second Fireside Chat will take place virtually with Elisha Jaeke, BS and Jessica Olson, PhD, MPH on Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 1:15 p.m. In addition, we have six Workshops, three Panel Sessions, four Roundtables, two Ignite Presentations, 17 Oral Presentations, 18 Speed Poster Presentations, 12 Kern Institute Transformational Ideas Initiative (TI2) Poster Presentations and an in-person Paper Poster Session with 24 posters. Cake, ice cream and other desserts will be served at the paper poster session. IHER Conference communications will be shared through numerous media channels, such as email communications, articles shared via MCW's intranet platform (InfoScope) and regular updates to the IHER Conference webpage. Please send your questions and share your suggestions and feedback with us via email at We look forward to seeing you in-person and online at the 2023 MCW IHER Conference! Sincerely, 2023 MCW IHER Conference Steering Committee Spotlight
Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, was elected the 178th president of the American Medical Association in June 2023. He is a Senior Associate Dean, tenured Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He was elected to the American Medical Association Board of Trustees in 2014.
![]() Christine Everett, PhD, MPH, PA-C Christine M. Everett PhD, MPH, PA-C, is Chief, Director, and Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine and Founding Physician Associate Program Director at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Everett’s current research initiatives focus on healthcare team design and the impact on patient, provider, and organizational outcomes. Recent work has focused on understanding the role of primary care PAs and nurse practitioners (NPs) and how they relate to outcomes for patients with diabetes.
Invited speaker, Machelle Linsenmeyer, EdD,
Associate Dean for Assessment and Educational Development at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine is one of our online presenters in the Wednesday afternoon oral presentation session at 1:30-2:45 p.m. Her presentation on “Creating Joy at Work Through Laughter and Humor” was recently captured on the Harvard Macy Institute (HMI) website. ![]() ![]()
Finally, on Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m., the conference starts with an in-person Wisconsin Medical Journal roundtable with Editor-in-Chief, Fahad Aziz, MD and Managing Editor, Kendi Neff-Parvin. ![]() ![]()
One of the major reasons our community is actively involved with the IHER Conference is to receive important feedback on our innovative ideas and research, which can be used to refine our abstract proposals submitted to regional, national, and international conferences. Given the current level of inflation in the USA, budgets are tighter than normal, and having conferences located closer to MCW is a plus as you can save a lot of money! The great news is that the Spring 2024 AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) spring meeting will be hosted by MCW in downtown Milwaukee. Registration fees for the 2023 CGEA were $600 for faculty and staff and $150 for learners, which included students, residents and fellows. 2024 registration fees, abstract submission dates, conference dates and location will be available soon! Remember to check out the online CGEA roundtable on Wednesday, Sept. 20, from 1:45 – 2:30 p.m., to meet Steve Vance, MD, and get some up-to-date information! Additionally, we invite you to check out the CGEA Padlet page. Another upcoming meeting to check out is the International Association for Medical Science Educators annual conference which will be on June 15-18, 2024, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Abstract submissions are due December 1, 2023. This is also a great opportunity for training, development and mentoring from international colleagues!
Every year, the IHER Conference has four award winners in the innovations and research categories, and the proceedings have been published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal the following spring. In 2022, we also started the annual IHER Innovator of the Year award for the individual who contributed the most to our annual meeting. Since the 2023 IHER Conference is our tenth annual conference, we will be seeking nominations for our one-time Ten-Year MCW IHER Legacy Award. This award will go to the individual who has contributed the most to
our conference since its inception in 2014. Watch your e-mail in September for the announcement! Moving Forward
Moderators for the oral presentation and speed poster sessions will be reaching out to conference presenters in the summer to share some information. They will encourage you to share some important links to content-related information for use on the IHER Conference public webpage. Participants in your session benefit greatly when you have at least one reference to your studies that is freely available. PubMed references are great examples for sharing peer-reviewed references. Social Media and Visual Abstracts We encourage presenters to create visual abstracts of their presentations and share them over social media. The visual abstract is the perfect presentation platform to present your innovations and research to a larger community as it is visually scalable and conveys the main message of your study in less than 30 seconds. Registration Registration is free for the tenth annual IHER Conference and begins on Friday, Sept. 1, 2023. A link will be sent out via e-mail and will be available on the IHER Conference webpage. Research Project A new research project entitled, “Mixed Methods Analysis of IHER Hybrid Conference,” (PRO00046589) is getting underway soon. A six-member team consisting of faculty, staff and students from the MCW School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy will be looking for volunteers to participate in 5- to 15-minute interviews and/or a 2-minute anonymous survey. If interested, please contact us at IHER Steering Committee Recruitment The 2023 IHER steering committee consists of 22 members including faculty, staff and students from the School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy. Every year we reach out for a few new members. We are currently recruiting for the 2024 IHER steering committee which will begin meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024, at noon for our eleventh annual conference next year. We meet seven times between January and September on the second Wednesday of the month at noon. We have three voluntary subcommittees (social media, technology, communications) and two task forces (interim, seasonal) that you might be interested in as well. Please e-mail us at if you are interested in joining our community. Students are highly encouraged to attend as it gives you a great opportunity to participate in the construction of an annual institutional Innovations in Healthcare Education Research (IHER) Conference. Submit an Idea If you have an idea for the IHER Conference, please e-mail the committee at, using the subject heading: 2023 IHER Idea. If we accept your idea, you will receive credit on the website, an InfoScope article and in the conference program. See you at the 2023 MCW IHER Conference!
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