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Sultana grapes at harvest point Mildura
Thursday 16 May 2024

In this edition:

Queensland fruit fly home gardener survey
Biosecurity Basics - Episode 5 designing a farm map
designing farm maps

Episode 5: Designing a farm map with Clem Sturmfels and Ian Powell

What is the importance of a farm map?

Clem Sturmfels, Land Management Extension Officer, explains how a farm map helps landholders manage biosecurity risks, manage public access, and meet industry assurance requirements.

Gippsland cattle farmer Ian Powell explains how he created a farm map and how it is used to protect his property from biosecurity risks.

 🎧 🎧 Listen via the AgVic website.

Cherries Traceability - what's an RFID?
cherries traceability RFID for our farms

Confused about RFID?

Watch our video from the Cherry Growers Australia and Agriculture Victoria Cherries Traceability Pilot that takes you behind the scenes of cherry production, showcasing the cutting-edge RFID technology implemented at Cherry Hill Orchards.

Discover how RFID technology automates fruit tracking from harvest to dispatch, ensuring premium quality, integration with global standards, and building capacity for future growth.

Learn from industry leaders about the benefits of automated on-farm traceability, the integration of RFID inventory tracking with the enterprise resource planning ERP system, and the adoption of GS1 Australia traceability standards.

Empowering Victoria's next marine biosecurity heroes
junior marine biosecurity officer flyer

The Victorian Government is empowering the next generation to become marine biosecurity heroes through a new educational activity at SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium.

SEA LIFE officially launched their Junior Marine Biosecurity Officer program recently, which has been designed to increase marine pest awareness and encourage the reporting of suspected sightings to Agriculture Victoria.

The activity will lead young Victorians along a trail throughout the aquarium, keeping an eye and ear out for information about invasive marine pests along the way and filling out an activity book.

Once participants have completed their activity book, they will receive a certificate that declares them a Junior Marine Biosecurity Officer.

Agriculture Victoria, in partnership with SEA LIFE Melbourne, will run the program throughout May - which is a busy period for school excursions at the aquarium.

Marine pests are highly invasive, non-native animals and plants that can cause significant harm to Victoria's marine environment and once established, are nearly impossible to eradicate.

Biosecurity is a shared responsibility, and it is collaborations alongside industry like this one that are vital in helping to spread the word about marine biosecurity.

Click here for information on how you can help and Victoria’s ongoing response to marine pests.

Click here to attend SEA LIFE Melbourne and complete the Junior Marine Biosecurity Officer program.

Applications open for Corella Management Grant Program
a flock of corella's in a tree

Applications for funding to address the impacts of Long-billed Corella and Little Corella populations on community are now open.

Local government authorities, farmers and committees of management are among those eligible to apply for grants to address agricultural, infrastructural, environmental and social impacts.

A total of $250,000 is available in Victorian Government grant funding.

The Corella Management Grants Program guidelines align with the Victorian Corella Strategy 2022-2032.

The strategy promotes a ‘living with wildlife’ approach to encourage positive attitudes to corellas, as part of a broader strategy for living with wildlife in Victoria.

Find more information about the grant program here.

Make this your moment – the Governor of Victoria Export Awards
make this your moment, the governor of victoria export awards 2024

Get ready to shine in the spotlight!

Applications have now opened for the Governor of Victoria Export Awards (GOVEA).

Open to all Victorian exporters, regardless of business size or total export sales, winning a GOVEA isn't just about recognition; it's about catapulting your business to new heights.

GOVEA winners automatically receive a place as finalists in the National Export Awards.

Boost your brand and gain exposure to potential clients, investors, and partners, both locally and globally.

Showcase your innovation to the business community in 2024.

Apply now by visiting

Applications close 14 June.

Emerging Leader in Victorian Agriculture Award

Nominations for the 2024 Melbourne Royal Emerging Leaders in Victoria Award are now open!

Please download the nomination form here.

Send your application to

Applications close on Thursday 1 August.

The recipient will work, volunteer or significantly contribute within the agricultural industry, and must demonstrate how they will use prize money to further their development.

This award is only available to those within Victoria between the ages of 18 and 35.


Get into AgSTEM program in full swing for school year

Agriculture Victoria’s free Get into AgSTEM education program is underway with schools across the state participating.


New Chair for Horse Traceability Taskforce

Victorian biosecurity specialist and former Queensland Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Ron Glanville will lead the National Horse Traceability Implementation Taskforce as its new Chair.


What's On

Details about Agriculture Victoria events can now be found in one spot on our website.

Visit to find out what's on.

Managing the late break Field Day

A free event with a fantastic line up of speakers discussing strategies around managing lambing ewes during a late break.

DATE: Tuesday 21 May, 2 - 5:30 pm

LOCATION : West Cuyuac –940 Woodacres Rd, Nareen

Free BBQ from 5:30 pm

Speaker and topics:

  • Speed feed – Strategies for growing feed fast with Josh Brown McDonald Rural Services, Elizabeth Kennedy Vickery Bros and James Stewart Incited Pivot
  • Animal health for pregnant and lambing ewes- Jane Gaussen -The Livestock Vet, Coopers Animal Health
  • Grain and fodder access – JK Milling, Dave Vickery
  • Containment feeding designs and strategies – Rich Edgar, Tim Leeming
  • Feed budgeting and monitoring for pregnant and lambing ewes –Ken Solly, Tim Leeming
  • Extension and resources – RIST – Bec Malseed
  • Early Weaning Strategies/ Ewe Recovery for 2025 – Tim Leeming
  • Looking after yourself and managing the mental load – Ken Solly.


Not Just a Farmer breakfast with Leila McDougall

May 22 
7:30 - 8:30 am 

4a Dimboola Road, Horsham

Cost $25.

​Bookings are essential and must be made here.


Wimmera women have a chance to hear from an inspirational regional farmer and film maker during a breakfast in Horsham on May 22.

Tatyoon farmer, screen writer and actor Leila McDougall will recount how her mental health campaign led to development of the feature film – 'Just a farmer’.

Export Development Programme
Export Development Programme

Ready to grow your agri-food and beverage business by exploring export opportunities but not sure where to start? Join us for a free Export Development Programme! 

Agriculture Victoria's Pathways to Export is partnering with Export Connect to deliver a series of in-person masterclass workshops in Gippsland and Melbourne and online export strategy webinars. 

In-person session: 

  • Friday 24 May, 9 am – 4 pm, Agriculture Victoria Attwood Centre, 475-485 Mickleham Rd. 


  • Export Pricing: Tuesday 21 May, 2 – 4 pm 
  • Pitch Development: Tuesday 28 May, 2 – 4 pm  
  • International Buyer and Exporter Panel: Tuesday 4 June, 2 – 4 pm. 

Register for one or more sessions here.

Elmhurst stock feeding workshop
jess revell standing in a green crop

Date: Wednesday 29 May

Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Where: Elmhurst Bush Nursing Centre 36 Green Street, Elmhurst

Cost: Free, lunch will be provided.

Presenter: Jess Revell, Principal Nutritionist and Animal Production Consultant, Rumenate Livestock Services.

Jess will share her extensive knowledge about ration formulation, intensive animal nutrition, extensive livestock production, reducing metabolic disease and seasonal management.

Jess is passionate about providing independent animal nutrition and health advice to achieve profitable outcomes.

Workshop topics include:

  • Livestock feeding requirements
  • Feeding a total ration
  • Feeding after fire for pasture recovery.

Register here.

GRDC Grains Research Update - Aerial application, drones and market access to EU canola markets

4 June
10 - 11:30 am




Come and listen to the experts and join in the discussion on 3 topics: Aerial application, drones and market access to EU canola markets

Topics and presenters:

  • increasing momentum behind on-farm sustainability accreditation and developing market signals.  ISCC canola standards and market access issues when selling canola overseas.  Rosemary Richards (Sustainable Grain Australia)
  • aerial application in broadacre crop production. Scott Mackie (South East Air Ag)
  • drones for spraying, weed mapping and other uses - licensing, uses and limitations. Tristan Steventon (Stevtech) and Aaron Parker (Aussie Drones).

Register here

Pyrenees Shire Connectivity Roadshow
image of grapevines at sunset

21 May
5:30 - 7 pm

Crossroads CFA shed

22 May
2:30 - 3:30 pm

Summerfield Winery

22 May
5:30 - 7 pm

Lexton Hub


Residents are invited to community drop-in sessions where you can engage directly with representatives from Agriculture Victoria, Telstra, NBNCo and the Regional Tech Hub. 

Let's discuss how we can enhance internet connectivity in our community and make the most out of technology!

Topics for discussion:

  • Could your internet connectivity be better?
  • Want to know how to maximise your mobile signal?
  • With 3G closing, what does it mean for you?
  • Interested in on-farm technology?
  • Discover the potential of the ‘internet of things’ for agriculture!

Find out more at Pyrenees Shire Connectivity Roadshow

BestWool/BestLamb and BetterBeef 2024 conference
Black Angus and sheep advertising upcoming sheep and beef conference

19 - 20 June



Plans are underway for the Agriculture Victoria BestWool/BestLamb and BetterBeef conference and dinner to be held in a new location this year in Ballarat on 19-20 June.

The conference will be held over 2 days:

  • 19 June Best Wool/BestLamb
  • 20 June BetterBeef.

Early bird tickets are now available and will close on Friday 31 May.

Click here to secure an early bird ticket discount. 

Contact Lyndon Kubeil on 0418 532 085 or visit the Agriculture Victoria events page to learn more.

Interpreting soil moisture monitoring equipment
graph in blue, green and red

13 June
9 - 11 am

Robinvale Resource Centre
72 Herbert Street

14 June
9 - 11 am

Mildura SmartFarm
Corner Koorlang Avenue and 11th Street


Agriculture Victoria, in conjunction with Green Brain, is offering a half day workshop for irrigators looking to have a greater understanding of interpreting soil moisture monitoring data.

Attendees are encouraged to bring their login details and share their data with the group if appropriate.


  • Soil water principles
  • Understanding graphs
  • Summed and split-level graphs
  • Setting refill and fill points
  • Graph responses
  • Integration / data presentation
  • Your data.

To register, contact Jeremy Giddings, Agriculture Victoria Regional Manager Irrigation, Mallee on 0427 02 285 or email.

Numbers strictly limited.

GRDC - Mastering fungicide resistance management with AFREN: strategies for success – Bannockburn

DATE: Friday 14 June

TIME: 9 am – 12 pm

VENUE: Bannockburn and Districts Bowling Club, 65 Burnside Road, Bannockburn.


Calling all growers and agronomists to join Nick Poole from FAR Australia for a workshop hosted by the Australian Fungicide.

Resistance Extension Network (AFREN), dedicated to addressing the pressing issue of fungicide resistance in our region.

Gain valuable insights and participate in discussions on the latest management practices shaping the future of the Australian grains industry.

Grasslands Society of Southern Australia – 54th Annual Conference
54th annual conference 16-18 july 2024 bendigo

The GSSA conference at Bendigo on 17-18 July will offer something for everyone.

The central theme will focus on ‘Evidence Based Decision Making’ and the topics have been built around what farmers need to know.

Delegates will be able to choose from 2 bus tours.

One to a property north of Bendigo integrating lucerne into a profitable livestock system and one to a higher rainfall perennial pasture property south of Bendigo.

Topics will include:

  • Carbon - An informed farmers perspective
  • Carbon neutral livestock production - is it possible?
  • Soil carbon and fertility
  • Measuring and knowing your soil carbon levels
  • Old clover identification and sub optimal clover nodulation
  • Paddock livestock weighing
  • What bugs you?
  • Use of drones in agriculture
  • Facial livestock recognition
  • Remote pasture measurement
  • Running lambs on improved varieties of perennial ryegrass vs more persistent Victorian ryegrass - animal responses above yield responses
  • N efficiency and endophytes in ryegrass pastures
  • Introduction to fertiliser calculator tool.

Click here for more information – 2024 GSSA Annual Conference

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Contacting Agriculture Victoria

Call 136 186 from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call (except for mobiles and public telephones).

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or

All contact points can be found at:

Don't forget to check out Agriculture Victoria's social media sites for up-to-date information and news.



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