Oil is closely linked to the economy and so major global events like wars, pandemics and the changing policies of economic giants like China are generally reflected in the ups and downs of crude prices. But the uncertain global economic outlook has thrown a bit of a spanner in the works for forecasters recently.

Of course, no one expects to be able to predict the exact price of oil in advance, but it’s usually easier to anticipate moves in oil prices than it has been in recent months. Carole Nakhle, an energy expert from the University of Surrey, says this has led to some head scratching by oil price analysts. Read her take on the three global issues causing this confusion right now.

We also hear the fascinating history of sanitary products, from the 19th-century market for special menstrual clothing to today’s sustainable options. And while a government plan to swap cigarettes for vape kits is designed to help make England smoke-free by 2030, two experts argue it primarily means swapping one risky habit for another.

Pauline McCallion

Senior Business Editor

Oil price uncertainty. Holmes Su/Shutterstock

Global economic uncertainty means oil prices – and your fuel bill – will continue to surprise this year

Carole Nakhle, University of Surrey

Alongside the global economic outlook, Russian supply and Chinese demand are contributing to ‘a cocktail of uncertainty’ for oil prices.

Skrypnykov Dmytro/Shutterstock

From rags and pads to the sanitary apron: a brief history of period products

Helen King, The Open University

Breaking the taboo: the fascinating history of menstrual products.

The scheme would offer smokers vape starter kits to help them quit. ducu59us/Shutterstock

UK plan to give vape kits to help smokers quit means swapping one health risk with another

Donal O'Shea, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences; Gerry McElvaney, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

A growing body of evidence shows vaping is not without harms.

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