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The Potter's Village - Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Potter's Village Newsletter.

Issue 2. 2023

In this Issue

Bishops visit
Shaping Lives Appeal
Rehabilitation Unit
Sat. 21st Oct - Celebration Afternoon
The Medical Centre
Nutrition Unit
New children
Resettled children
Can we visit your church?
Please pray for us

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Bishops visit

Potter's Village was blessed to have a visit from the new Bishop of the Muhabura Diocese recently. The Rt. Rev. Godfrey Mbitse came and prayed for all the children and for the wonderful work of all the staff.  



Shaping Lives Appeal

We are appealing for 23 NEW Child Sponsors in 2023!  Become part of the team supporting vulnerable babies in Uganda who need Potter's Village to help reshape their lives. During the last year Potter's Village has seen an influx in babies who have been abandoned or who have lost their mothers soon after birth.  This increase has been due partly to the rise in the number of refugees fleeing the Democratic Republic of Congo into the UNHCR camps near Kisoro. 

With so many babies' in need, Potter's Village opened a third baby’s room to accommodate these vulnerable infants, which alongside the cost of living crisis in Uganda, has led to significant increases in costs.

We are incredibly grateful for all those who already give in any way they can, but in order for the project to keep helping the most vulnerable babies and be a shining light in the community in Kisoro, we are appealing for more Child Sponsors. To set up a Child Sponsorship donation, click on this link to be redirected to the website and the donation form. Thank you!

Rehabilitation Unit

Physiotherapy unit is one of the unique services offered to the community and the numbers of children needing the service have continued to increase.

The Diocese has got a grant to help in improving the quality of the services offered in this unit. The support help in providing equipment needed in Physiotherapy. The equipment they will offer includes wheel chairs, special chairs, standing flames, walkers etc.


Sat. 21st Oct - Celebration Afternoon

Please come along and join us for the Friends of Potter's Village Celebration Afternoon. 

This event is completely free and starts from 2pm.

A free lunch will be provided from 1pm, however booking essential for catering purposes.   Please email pottersuk@gmail.com for lunch booking.  We look forward to seeing you then

To see a larger copy of the flyer, please click on this link. 

The Medical Centre

The medical centre has continued to be stable offering quality services to the community. We are glad we received 2 CPAP machines to add on the equipment in Medical Centre and 4 infusion pumps bought from the donations given and raised by kind supporters Phil & Vicci. Photo of Davis and the two new CPAP machines. 

The Medical Centre nurses/ nurses who had certificates have started upgrading to a diploma level. Two have started studying this year- Gloria & Promise.



Nutrition Unit

We are so pleased to say that the malnutrition follow up and assessments in the community have continued to make an impact.

During these visits to many extremely rural communities, lots children have been discovered, brought in to PV and received treatment. Pictured is one little baby being weighed. The staff in this unit also provide education and support for mothers to help prevent malnourishment recurring.

New children

Several children have come to live at Potter’s Village in recent months: Iriho, age one month after her mother died from heart disease; Niyobyose’s mother has learning difficulties and is unable to care for him.

Gift was readmitted with malnutrition; Ushindi’s mother was sadly killed in the conflict in DR Congo when he was only a few weeks old; and Uwineza, who was born very prematurely and whose father abandoned the family at time of discharge from the Medical Centre.

Resettled children

Miracle, Monica, Iragena, Samuel, Brian & Patience, Winfred and Amos have all left Potter’s Village gone to live with family.
Joseph, Amos and Claire have been transferred to Hope Mission Children’s Home.

Many other chidren have stopped support recently, because they do not need anymore help from Potter's Village.  This is great news, not only because they are thriving, but also because it means that we have the ability to help other children in need. 

Can we visit your church?

A team made up of a number of FoPV Trustees and volunteers visited Potter's Village in earlier this year.  Due to COVID-19 they haven't had the opportunity to go for a long time and were keen to visit and support the project as well as getting updated on the work.

They have made a fantastic video presentation of their trip which we would be happy to send you or they could come and share their experience by coming to talk at your church.  If you would like someone to visit to update you on the current and future plans for Potter's Village, then please get in touch with Ruth.


Please pray for us

We thank God

  • For the Crisis Centre, that it can continue to care for all those babies in need
  • For the Child sponsors making such a huge difference to children's lives
  • For the Rehab Centre and its work
  • The animals and crops at PV and how they help nourish the children and support the project
  • The commitment of the PV staff to their work.
  • For all those supporters across the world praying and giving to this work.
  • For those around the world fundraising to buy equipment like new costs and CPAP machines

Please pray

  • For stability in the economy in Uganda, families are struggling
  • For maternal health and pre and antenatal care, we are seeing high numbers of maternal death
  • For the children re-settled in the community that they may be cared for and thrive.
  • For all staff, whatever their roll that they feel valued and show compassion to all those needing the support of Potter’s Village
  • For the children recently admitted to PV, that they may feel loved despite such a difficult start to life.
  • For Idah (Administrator) and Board of Governors as they manage Potter’s Village
  • Friends of Potter’s Village, that they will continue to have sufficient income and for good stewardship of donated funds.
  • Please pray we find more child sponsors to help PV support those families in need
  • For the Celebration Afternoon that it is a wonderful opportunity to get together and celebrate the work of PV