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Return to Work Coordinator news
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New Skill Building Program out now

A very big thank you to the Coordinators who completed our annual Return to Work Coordinator survey in February. Your responses provided us with great feedback on current supports and services. More importantly, your feedback has allowed us to identify areas for improvement and has directly informed our skill building program for 2021-22, enabling us to better meet your education and support needs.

Download our full 2021-22 calendar here or, to learn about our survey findings, click here.

Upcoming workshops, July and August

Fundamental workshops


Joanne Snape, Employer Education Advisor
Introducing Joanne Snape, Employer Education Advisor

Meet Joanne Snape, our new Employer Education Advisor. Joanne will work alongside Houda Peters to help you achieve best practice recovery and return to work for your workplace.

Joanne was first introduced to injury prevention ten years ago as a Work Health and Safety Coordinator and has since been involved in injury management, including as a Return to Work Coordinator.

Over the past five years, Joanne has gained extensive experience managing claims in the Return to Work scheme as a claims manager.

Learn more about Jo here

What's changing for 2021-22?

Your feedback has helped us shape our program for 2021-22. So what’s new and what’s returning?

Click here to see what we learned from you or keep reading to learn what's new for 2021-22.

Statement of Attendance

All workshop participants who attend a workshop in full will receive a Statement of Attendance. We acknowledge that attending a workshop is an investment in time and receiving a Statement of Attendance is a demonstration of your engagement and dedication to keeping up to date with all things return to work and mentally healthy workplaces.

Dates will be released every two months

We have noticed registrations and attendances tend to decline when they open three months in advance. Going forward we will be releasing new dates and workshops bi-monthly via a dedicated ‘upcoming workshops’ email to all Return to Work Coordinators. Workshops will not be promoted through the Return to Work Coordinator email newsletter. Future email newsletters will continue to feature new resources and topical articles.

Online and face-to-face offerings will continue

You keep telling us that you miss our faces, but the convenience of online learning is not something you are willing to give up – and you won’t have to! Online workshops will remain an ongoing feature for many of our workshops, but we recognise that online doesn’t suit all topics, so you will continue to see a mix of online and face-to-face workshops throughout 2021-22.

Our fundamental program will remain… fundamental

We will continue to offer our four fundamental workshops eight times a year. This is to cater for an increase in new Return to Work Coordinators wanting to upskill, but also those experienced Coordinators who are keen to refresh on key strategies and principles.

To see our full 2021-22 skill building program, click here.

Stay up to date with return to work
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You are invited to join our closed Facebook group which provides Return to Work Coordinators with an interactive forum to access current return to work news, information and details for all our upcoming events.

Join now.

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Let us know if your details have changed or if you're no longer responsible for return to work in your organisation.

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