A monthly newsletter keeping our HDR community informed and connected. H D R I N F O C U SGet to know PhD Student Ahlam Rayan Alharbi Get to know PhD Student Troy Miller Get to know PhD Student Michelle Watson Students in the News W E L C O M EIntroducing our new higher degree by research students who started this month. We welcome you into the Flinders HDR community and look forward to following your journey. Alexandre Hinton (HASS) Michael Fordham (NHS) R E C E N T L Y C O M P L E T E D S T U D E N T SCongratulations to the students who completed in the last month. The University recognises that a higher degree by research represents a considerable achievement, reflecting hard work and a high level of commitment and dedication. Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment! Mark Govier (BGL) Eidan S E H S Alrasheid (NHS) W H A T ' S N E WResearchNow and ORCID profiles for HDR studentsAre your ResearchNow and ORCID profile up to date? With these profiles, research students can update and maintain their research profile to build connections with potential collaborators, including industry partners, and as a platform for communicating their research. For more information and instructions on how to update your profiles, refer to the article below and the ‘Your digital presence’ page of the REST 17. Digital Literacy module. Foreign interactions for HDR students’ researchDoes your research engage with foreign individuals, groups or organisations? The University welcomes interactions with foreign individuals, groups or organisations and recognises they are an important part of University life and integral to the success of Flinders University’s research activities. It is vital that all HDR students and supervisors are familiar with the University’s Foreign Interactions Policy and its implications. The Policy helps the University assess and manage the risks associated with its foreign interactions. December Graduation Critical DatesHDR completions and attendance to December Graduation 12 and 13 December 2024. For students who have received their results in Inspire, and would like to plan to attend the December Graduation a guideline of dates is available. M I N D Y O U R S E L FThis is one of the first blog posts I wrote and the content is still relevant all these years later as values (affirmations of the person we want to be) can be helpful in orienting and grounding us during difficult times. Please enjoy. Mindfulness and the High Performance MindI thought this free session on Mindfulness and High Performance might be relevant to your average uni student, or at least those interested in mindfulness from the perspective of managing the high-performance demands of uni study. Did you know about.......................................?Discover the 11 most under-the-radar student services that could boost your wellbeing, academic success, and personal development—get informed and make the most of your university experience! U P C O M I N G D E V E L O P M E N T W O R K S H O P SImposter Syndrome: Why successful people often feel like fraudsThe session by Hugh Kearns from Thinwell will explain why high performing people often doubt their abilities and find it hard to enjoy their successes. It will also show the links to perfectionism and self-handicapping strategies such as procrastination, avoidance and overcommitment. Seven Steps to Academic Writing SuccessThis is a two-part workshop delivered by Malini Devadas from MD Writing and Editing. Malini introduces the seven-step academic writing framework, which helps writers break down the writing process into manageable chunks, and produce a high-quality product with much less stress. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to; create a realistic timeframe for writing; make a detailed document plan, making the writing process much faster; and edit your own work efficiently and objectively. More Opportunities
N E E D H E L P ?Any questions about your HDR studies? Please reach out!Dean of Graduate Research - Leadership, Policy, Strategy You can also contact HDR Student Representatives with any HDR candidature matters. |