Nursing Pay Equity settlement details

Kia ora DHB Employee,

We are pleased to release the details of the NZNO and PSA pay equity settlement to all workers covered by the unions’ claims.

The Settlement represents years of effort by union members to achieve recognition for work that was undervalued due to historically being performed predominantly by women.

The Pay Equity process has been a complex one and included an arduous negotiation process with the government to achieve this settlement. Employees will have the opportunity to vote on the settlement from April 20-29. 

The Settlement proposes historically significant pay rises for DHB nursing roles which, if accepted by affected DHB employees, would be implemented from 8 March 2022.

You can find detailed information about the settlement on the New Zealand Nurses Organisation, Public Service Association, and the Technical Advisory Services (DHB) websites. 

Information sessions

We are also running three information sessions for all workers covered by the settlement. The details and links for these sessions are below. 12/04/22  4.30pm-5.30pm Meeting ID
836 0250 8007
390899 13/04/22 11.30am -12.30pm Meeting ID
890 7928 0450
398250 14/04/22 4.30pm-5.30pm Meeting ID
830 7294 4565

 If joining by Phone:

  • 09 884 6780
  • 03 659 0603
  • 04 886 0026

Enter Meeting ID and Password


All workers currently employed by DHBs in roles covered by the settlement are entitled to vote. You will receive your ballot in the afternoon of 20 April. Voting will open immediately at that time, and close at midday 29 April.

I roto i te kotahitanga – in unity,

NZNO & PSA Pay Equity Bargaining Teams