A design newsletter by Antistatique
30 July 2020
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THIS IS NOT A BUG, THIS IS THE REAL DON'T PANIC (at least this month).
We go low. Not because it's summer outside or because some of you are on holiday. We slow down and test this (s)low-tech version of Don't Panic. Content curation stays the same but we proposer to you this text-only version. We care about our impact and wanted to do something about it. We care about page size, information overload, the signal vs noise ratio, etc. We want to know if you care as well.
Tell us —› dontpanic@antistatique.net
• Online conference ⎮ Ethics by Design 2020 (French) [https://2020.ethicsbydesign.fr/]
A special edition: Ethics by design will take place online. Be connected from September 28 to October 2 to talk about responsible design, among other things
• Foundery ⎮ Extraset [https://extraset.ch/]
Extraset is an independent Swiss type foundry established in Geneva. Extraset publishes professional typefaces made by graphic designers for graphic designers. Sounds promising!
• Article ⎮ User data about gender identity [https://builtin.com/data-science/dscout-gender-identity-data-practice]
Gender data can be valuable for a variety of reasons. But before you ask, consider why you’re asking, and how you frame the question.
• Website ⎮ The Low Impact Website - Organic Basics [https://lowimpact.organicbasics.com/gbp]
An online store that prevents 70% of the carbon emissions.
• Article ⎮ Apple, Big Sur, and the rise of Neumorphism [https://www.inputmag.com/design/apple-macos-big-sur-the-rise-of-neumorphism]
You can blame that on a little something called Neumorphism, and like or hate it, it’s the next wave in UI design.
• Tips ⎮ Figma Tips & Tricks [https://www.figma.com/community/file/837344125431952599]
A collection of Figma tips in "Post-it" format with useful screenshots.
"Point of view" by Yassine
Giving feedback is hard. Wether we're worried about the reaction of the other or preoccupied about the legitimacy of the feedback, we are sometimes prone to keep our feelings to ourselves.
At Antistatique, we started to use the framework called "I like, I wish, I wonder".
Since we value the feedback of everyone involved in a project, we wanted to create a safe space for them to express their ideas. By bringing everybody in the same room and asking them to respect a few rules, here's how you can make the process of giving feedback less painful and more constructive :
1.Make 3 columns on a board. One called "I like", the 2nd "I wish", the 3rd "I wonder"
2.Allow everyone to write a card for each column regarding a topic that you've specified together.
3.Each of the participants will then give their feedback, following the order mentioned on point 1. Sidenote : it is crucial that the one who receives the feedback doesn't interrupt the one who talks.
Let's say we're talking about our design process. That would give something like "I like the way you're handling our design process on Figma, but I wish I would also participate in it. So I wonder if you could onboard me on your process ?"
It does not only gives feedback to the recipient, but also expresses gratefulness, shares the feeling of the feedback giver and invites for action.
We should all benefit from the feedback of our colleagues and allow ourselves to say what's on our mind.
More infos on IDEO.com [[Build Your Creative Confidence: I Like, I Wish | ideo.com](https://www.ideo.com/blog/build-your-creative-confidence-i-like-i-wish)] and toolbox.hyperisland.com [[Hyper Island Toolbox](https://toolbox.hyperisland.com/i-like-i-wish-i-wonder)]
July 2020 - This month we like...
• Rebranding ⎮ New Logo and Identity for Waze by Pentagram [https://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/new_logo_and_identity_for_waze_by_pentagram.php]
Pentagram has refreshed the Waze brand identity and we love it.
• Agency ⎮ Sweet Punk [https://www.sweetpunk.com/]
Sweet Punk is a creative agency based in Paris and Montpellier.
• Publicity ⎮ Le Matin Dimanche [https://messieurs.ch/en/works/matin-dimanche-campaign-box-catherine-pearson-smider-eng]
Creation of animations and playful characters to illustrate the key stages of Le Matin Dimanche's production thanks to all these different trades. (Agency : Messieurs.ch)
• Museum website ⎮ Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet [https://www.museeatelier-audemarspiguet.com/en/home.html]
Inaugurated in June 2020, the Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet invites visitors to plunge into the Swiss manufacturer’s cultural universe past, present and future.
Quote of the month
"Less is more" Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
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Published by Antistatique [https://antistatique.net/]
Web agency based in Geneva & Lausanne
Reach us at [dontpanic@antistatique.net]
Or in a more traditional manner here: Rue de Genève 90B, 1004 Lausanne
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