Figures published today make for sobering reading for everyone currently running for election. Their standing among the general public has taken another dive.

John Curtice reveals that 45% of respondents to this year’s British Social Attitudes survey think that politicians “almost never” put the British people before their party political interests and the vast majority think the nation’s system of government needs a great deal of work.

And even though Brexit is almost entirely absent from this campaign so far, it plays a big part in why people feel this way, as Curtice explains.

Following the sad death of Michael Mosley over the weekend, our health desk is paying tribute to the inventor of the 5:2 diet with a look at what it takes to radically experiment with your body in the name of science.

And in good environmental news, the last ozone-layer damaging chemicals to be phased out in a series of international bans are finally decreasing in the atmosphere.

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Laura Hood

Senior Politics Editor, Assistant Editor

Alamy/AP/Henry Nicholls

Trust hits new low: 45% of people think politicians put party before country

John Curtice, National Centre for Social Research

More than half of people now support electoral reform.

Dr Michael Mosley conducted many self-experiments during his career. TT News Agency/Alamy Stock Photo

From urine tasting to self-infecting with stomach bugs – a brief guide to the most daring medical self-experiments

Dan Baumgardt, University of Bristol

Dr Michael Mosley was one of the latest and greatest in a long line of self-experimenting pioneers.

The high-altitude AGAGE Jungfraujoch station in Switzerland is used to take measurements of Earth’s atmosphere.

The last ozone-layer damaging chemicals to be phased out are finally falling in the atmosphere

Luke Western, University of Bristol

HCFCs were a temporary replacement for CFCs, the initial subject of the 1987 Montreal protocol.

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