In most parts of Canada, Monday is a holiday. In P.E.I., it’s Islander Day. In Nova Scotia, it’s Heritage Day. Manitoba is celebrating Louis Riel Day. But in several other provinces, Monday is Family Day.

Here at The Conversation Canada, we’re all in favour of any holiday in February. It comes at about the mid-section of winter and so a short break as we look ahead to spring is always welcome. Family Day was first celebrated in Alberta in 1990. Saskatchewan, Ontario, British Columbia and New Brunswick followed over the years.

Interestingly, this provincial statutory holiday coincides with U.S. Presidents’ Day, which for some reason is always associated with selling mattresses. What if we had a Prime Ministers’ Day? What would retailers sell for that? The mind boggles.

For your Family Day reading pleasure, I’ve assembled a collection of family-related stories from across The Conversation’s global network.

There’s one other thing I wanted to mention: The Conversation Canada and La Conversation Canada underwent a website redesign this week. You can check out the new look by clicking here. The new design offers us a bit more flexibility in terms of displaying stories and is also geared to help promote our articles for people who find us by Google search. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the new design.

Have a great weekend. And because most of our staff are in provinces where it’s a holiday on Monday,  we won’t be back in your Inbox until Tuesday.

Scott White

CEO | Editor-in-Chief

Family Day weekend reads

Child poverty is on the rise in Canada, putting over 1 million kids at risk of life-long negative effects

Nicole Racine, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa; Shainur Premji, University of York

Over one million Canadian children live in poverty. Child poverty is a pernicious childhood adversity that has detrimental long-term impacts on health, development and well-being throughout life.

3 lessons from MP Karina Gould’s parental leave that could help all Canadian families

Andrea Doucet, Brock University

Karina Gould’s parental leave is similar to that of many Canadians. Yet there are key differences, and they offer lessons on how parental leave could be redesigned to help more Canadian parents.

The motherhood pay gap: Why women’s earnings decline after having children

Marie Connolly, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM); Catherine Haeck, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

New research shows that women’s earnings are negatively impacted by having children, while men’s aren’t. The effects can be long-lasting and contribute to the gender pay gap.

Most people would be equally satisfied with having one child as with two or three – new research

Arnstein Aassve, Bocconi University

We found no discernable difference in how people rated family scenarios with one, two or three children.

Family Day imagery neglects family caregivers’ care work; it needs to be valued

Janet Fast, University of Alberta; Jacquie Eales, University of Alberta

It’s time to complete the picture and recognize public expenditures on supports for family caregivers as social investments in the well-being of individuals, families and communities

How to navigate a parent’s cancer diagnosis – like Princes William and Harry will now have to do

Lydia Harkin, Nottingham Trent University

Even families in conflict can be a strong source of support for a loved one with cancer.

Weekly News Quiz

The Conversation weekly news quiz

Fritz Holznagel, The Conversation

Test your knowledge with a weekly quiz drawn from some of our favorite stories.

Weekend Listens: The Conversation Weekly podcast

As we dream, we can listen in on the waking world – podcast

Gemma Ware, The Conversation

Dream researcher Başak Türker explains how she was able to communicate with people while they were dreaming. Listen to The Conversation Weekly podcast.