Hello from the Australian Hearing Hub
For the latest updates on what's happening at AHH, connect with us on LinkedIn.
Celebrating 10 years of impactful hearing health research and collaboration |
Professor Sakkie Pretorius, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), reflects on a decade of the Australian Hearing Hub (AHH).
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The Australian Hearing Hub (AHH) celebrates its 10th anniversary |
Leaders from the Australian Hearing Hub community reflect on the foundation of the AHH as a collaboration between academic, industry, government and not-for-profit partners as the source of its success.
Watch the videos » |
NextSense centre for innovation to open its doors soon |
NextSense recently welcomed Deputy Prime Minister The Hon Richard Marles MP and Member for Bennelong Jerome Laxale MP to a tour of our new site at Macquarie University.
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Macquarie University now home to WHO Collaborating Centre |
A Macquarie University research centre has been named as a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre in Ear and Hearing Health for the next four years.
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Student clinical placements a winning formula |
Student placements at NextSense offer Macquarie University speech pathology students the opportunity to gain real-world experience working with children with sensory disabilities.
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Hearing Australia Darwin centre officially opened |
On Friday 25 August, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Minister for Government Services, officially opened the Hearing Australia Centre in Darwin.
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Spreading the word: how Australia’s experience can influence newborn hearing health in the Asia Pacific |
Australia’s approach to newborn hearing screening gives us the means to intervene early so that babies born with hearing loss are afforded immeasurable benefits in terms of their communication, language, and social development.
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The Australian Hearing Hub recognised for excellence in promoting collaboration between research and industry |
Macquarie University’s Australian Hearing Hub has been recognised for excellence in promoting collaboration between research and industry at Cooperative Research Australia’s annual Awards for Excellence in Innovation.
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NALguide: Hearing aid features explained |
NALguide is a new tool developed by the National Acoustic Laboratories. It is designed to support people in exploring the hearing aid features that could be used for their listening needs and discuss them with their family and clinician. This tool has been used by over 70 organisations worldwide and major hearing service providers in Australia.
It's available now on the NAL website » |
2023 Beyond Speech Workshop |
The Beyond Speech Workshop 2023 was held online on Monday 14th August. The theme for this year's event was Exploring cultural and linguistic diversity in children with hearing loss. The workshop reached 400 researchers, clinicians and teachers of the deaf.
Watch the videos » |
Hearing Australia welcomes the re-appointment of Managing Director |
On Tuesday 29 August, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Minister for Government Services, announced that Kim Terrell has been reappointed as the Managing Director of Hearing Australia.
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Sofia’s key worker with her all the way as she learns to hear with cochlear implants |
Eight-year-old Sofia has cochlear implants in both ears, performs in eisteddfods, plays netball and has literacy skills that are just as good as her hearing peers.
Read Sofia's story » |
$10.5 million partnership to support young people and schools in mental healths |
Macquarie University has won a $10.5 million competitive tender from the Australian Department of Education to provide the first Voluntary Mental Health Check Tool (VMHCT) for schools and students across Australia.
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Participate in research
We need people of all ages to take part in research projects and help contribute to better diagnosis and treatment. Take a look at some of the projects we are currently working on and if you're interested please make contact.
For children who find reading difficult
Children (aged 6-12) who experience reading difficulties are invited to help us create a robot reading buddy. These sessions will include an interview that will involve drawing us a robot and being asked questions. They will also get to meet 3 of our very own robots! You child will be asked to complete short reading assessments and the interview will be audio recorded. You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire about your child’s behaviour and wellbeing. The sessions will take about 90 minutes and your child will be given $30 for their time. For more information, please contact Hannah
Understanding Hearing Aid/Cochlear Implant Performance in Realistic Environments
We are currently recruiting people aged between 40-80yrs who wear two (bilateral) hearing aids, two cochlear implants, or a cochlear implant and a hearing aid together (bimodal). The study takes place at the Australian Hearing Hub at Macquarie University over 2-3 appointments between 1.5hrs-3hrs, and participants will receive $30/hour for participating. Participation includes hearing and speech testing, measurement of hearing devices, and potentially wearing loan devices for a fortnight. For further eligibility requirements and study details, please send us an email, we'd love to hear from you!
An initiative of Macquarie University, the Australian Hearing Hub brings the country’s best hearing and allied health organisations together.
The Australian Hearing Hub is an initiative of the Australian Government being conducted as part of the Education Investment Fund.
© Australian Hearing Hub 2014 |
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