Wrestling today is synonymous with WWE and the grand, televised American arena spectacle of fake moves, outrageous characters and cartoonish outfits. In Senegal, though, wrestling is ingrained in cultural life. A combination of boxing and wrestling, its rules are passed down by traditional singers called griots and in rural areas it forms part of the initiation of boys into manhood, one of the ways they learn about their culture and role in society. As sociologist Ousmane Ba explains, wrestling is not a showy spectacle, but a valuable cultural training ground.

Johannesburg in South Africa is a churning hub of industry, but the grand, shiny stock exchange is not what really drives it. Instead, it’s the ordinary and often invisible people, the butchers, hawkers, garbage recyclers, food vendors, dreamers and schemers, that run the streets and keep the city fed and cleaned. An extraordinary new book of photographs and text called Wake Up, This Is Joburg documents these lives. Urban planner Tanya Zack tells the stories behind six of the images in the book.

Moina Spooner

Assistant Editor

Traditional wrestling in Senegal - much more than a sport, it keeps culture alive

Ousmane Ba, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar

Traditional wrestling is part of Senegal’s cultural heritage and plays an important role in the education and social integration of young men.

The real Johannesburg: 6 powerful photos from a gritty new book on the city

Tanya Zack, University of the Witwatersrand

From butchers to hawkers, and shelters to miners, this book reveals the informal economy and texture of the city.


Health + Medicine


Excellent teachers are creative, engaged and engaging. Alistair Berg/Getty Images

Teachers change lives – but what makes a great teacher?

Zayd Waghid, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Exceptional teachers can leave a lasting impression on more than just their learners.

Business + Economy

Science + Technology

TC Afrique

Destruction de médicaments contrefaits et illégaux saisis par les autorités, le 21 avril 2015 à Dakar.. Photo AFP;

Médicament : voici comment distinguer le vrai du faux

Boukary Sana, Université Nazi Boni

La guerre contre les médicaments falsifiés ne peut être gagnée si le public et les médias ne se joignent pas au combat.


Le sirop contre la toux peut nuire aux enfants : les experts mettent en garde contre les risques de contamination

Winston Morgan, University of East London; Shazma Bashir, University of East London

Le danger des sirops contre la toux contaminés est que les premiers symptômes d'empoisonnement, comme la somnolence, sont parfois observés chez des enfants non contaminés.


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