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Friday 13 October 2023
Update: Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy Amendment

Since the release of the Latrobe Valley Regional Rehabilitation Strategy (LVRRS) in 2020, there have been lots of changes including:

  • the introduction of a strengthened regulatory framework for mine rehabilitation,
  • the planned earlier closures of power stations at Yallourn and Loy Yang A, and
  • the commencement of an Environmental Effects Statement for the proposed Hazelwood Mine Rehabilitation Project.

The aim of the LVRRS is to ensure the rehabilitation of Latrobe Valley coal mines results in positive outcomes for the community and region.

The Victorian Government has released an amendment to the LVRRS which takes account of the changes since 2020 and refines guidance to mine licensees.

Preparing and implementing mine rehabilitation plans is the responsibility of mine licensees. It needs to be underpinned by robust assessments and well-informed decision-making. The 2023 amendment to the strategy provides greater clarity to inform how the mine licensees develop rehabilitation plans.

What is being amended

The amendment refines guidance based on new information, including through consultation with stakeholders through the implementation of the LVRRS to date.

The amendment provides the process for mine licensees’ rehabilitation planning and refines guidance on how water might be accessed for mine rehabilitation, if needed, in the future. The amendment sets out the type of conditions that could be applied to water access for mine rehabilitation, should a mine licensee make an application to use water as part of their mine rehabilitation plan. These measures will ensure water access for mine rehabilitation will not diminish the water entitlements of existing water users and values in Gippsland, and mitigate the potential future impacts of a drier climate.

The refined guidance on water access for mine rehabilitation has been developed in consultation with stakeholders responsible for the operation of the Latrobe River system and with an understanding of Traditional Owner cultural values and consideration of impacts to the environment, farmers and recreational water users.

Find out more

As planning for mine rehabilitation continues, there will be a range of ongoing opportunities for community and stakeholders to provide feedback. We encourage you to read more information and to download the LVRRS, available on the website here.


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