We’ve all had to suffer someone droning on about their high IQ score. But how reliable a measure of cognitive ability are these tests? And, crucially, what do they miss? After all, many great leaps in human invention were driven by creativity, teamwork, self-discipline, intuition or curiosity rather than just one person’s IQ.

Interestingly, a lack of these other qualities can actually hinder our ability to think well. Yet they aren’t measured on an IQ test. And high IQ doesn’t necessarily protect against bias or error – people with higher IQ may in fact be particularly vulnerable to confirmation bias, for example.

In other news, it turns out that slouching isn’t as bad for us as we may imagine – as long as we keep moving. And the latest article in our microbiome series takes a look at the gut health superhero Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Miriam Frankel

Senior Science Editor


IQ tests: the danger of reading too much into them – and the crucial cognitive skills they don’t measure

Lawrence Whalley, University of Aberdeen

The majority of children who do not take or pass IQ-style entrance exams to private- or grammar schools, will have many qualities not measured on an IQ test. They may also just be late developers.

Slouching has long been considered a bodily representation of negativity. Mike_shots/ Shutterstock

Slouching isn’t as bad for you as you might think

Dr Chris McCarthy, Manchester Metropolitan University

The most important thing when it comes to spine health is movement.

Eating yoghurt is one way of getting more Lactobacillus acidophilus into your diet. Josep Suria/ Shutterstock

Gut microbiome: meet Lactobacillus acidophilus – the gut health superhero

Samuel J. White, Nottingham Trent University; Philippe B. Wilson, Nottingham Trent University

Fermented foods, such as yoghurt and kefir, are great sources of this immune-boosting microbe.

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