New Podcasts!
When the conferences were getting cancelled during Covid, we started working harder to book podcast guest spots on adoption shows. Now we have a nice lineup of them on our site speaking page.
I'm happy to share the latest additions with you: Helping (Adopted) Kids Feel Loveable & Loved Some adoptees struggle with self-acceptance, but how can you love yourself if you don't know who you are? Terri joins Simon Benn's show, "Thriving Adoptees", to discuss this. Terri goes deep into what she's learned raising her daughter and how important it is for any child to know their own story. Click here.
The Adopting & Fostering HOME Podcast Terri shares her family’s open adoption journey and the healing it can provide on the "Adopting & Fostering HOME Podcast". At a time when open adoption provoked fear and uncertainty, she built a strong relationship with her daughter's birth mom and uses the experience to encourage others. Click here.
Check out all our podcast guest spots here:
NEW NEWS: BirthMom Panel at CAFO!
We just heard from CAFO that our workshop pitch was accepted so we're going to Atlanta for the conference in September. We'll gather a panel of birthparents, and hear what was on their hearts and minds when they placed. Here's the promo blurb:
A First-Hand Look Into The Heart & Mind of Moms Who Place for Adoption (60 minutes)
This is a very rare opportunity to hear directly from birthmoms -- why they chose adoption for their babies, what they expected and what was on their hearts at the time. Learn whether & how they stayed involved in the child's upbringing, how they got support & care after placement, and how they feel now looking back on their decision. It will be SO exciting! Atlanta or bust!
HAPPY FATHERS DAY! A note of gratitude for all birth-fathers, adoptive fathers and bio-fathers. You provide the special love, support and protection to your children that can *only* come from their Dad. God bless you for the role model you are.
We wish you a love-filled, joyous and family-centered Fathers Day on June 19th.
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Phrase of the Day: Open Adoption
Open adoption is a form of adoption in which the biological and adoptive families have each other's contact information and varying degrees of contact with each other, by phone, in person and/or through social media.
It's Not Like the Olden Days!
All of this is about spreading the word about open adoption -- a reasonable option for women facing unplanned pregnancy. The 1970s and 80s were all about closed adoptions. Then we discovered the beauty of open adoption. Learn more about open adoption in this short video.
A Reference Guide for Families Here’s a guide to open adoption and how to make it work, from the match period through
common post-adoption bumps. It includes tips on how to keep the focus on the child’s best interests.
DID YOU KNOW? - Fewer than 0.5% of women facing unplanned pregnancy make an adoption plan?
- When they do, it's because an adult in their life encouraged them to consider adoption?
- There are over one million U.S. couples waiting now to adopt?
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Why are we doing this?
Young women are 50% more likely to make an adoption plan when the trusted adult in their life suggests it to them. Otherwise, most girls don't give it a minute's thought, and choose between abortion or single parenting. That's why we need to get this on the radar of more people.
Want to help Unplanned Good?
Here's what we need:
Tell a FriendYou know people who've been touched by adoption. Ask them to write their short story for our web site and sign up for our newsletter.
"My Mom encouraged me, and that made all the difference!
I needed to know that she'd stand by me through this and support the adoption plan."
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Help us to get the word out!
Please forward this newsletter to someone you know has been touched by adoption. Ask them to sign up for our monthly news here and/or contribute their story to our web site. Thank you so much for your continued encouragement & support of UPG.
About Unplanned GoodWe promote adoption as a positive option for those facing unplanned pregnancies. It can be so very good (and beautiful!) for all involved. Unplanned Good is reaching out to both teens and their parents, to let them know that adoption is an option. Studies have shown that girls are 50% more likely to see their pregnancy through and make an adoption plan when an adult suggests this path. Please visit our site, and encourage others to see it. Read the encouraging, heartfelt stories there. Send in your own story, and ask a friend to do the same.