For some, summer is a time to kick back and relax, to slow down, to put things on hold. For others, it is a time to work even harder, as carefully tended trees begins to bear fruit. It is safe to say it has been a very fruitful summer for Peace it Together.
In this issue, we are asking you to take a few moments to fill out an important survey, updating you on what our 2011 program participants have been up to, bringing you some heartening feedback from the Middle East, and asking you to keep your eyes open for an exciting fundraising campaign, coming up very soon.
Thank you for your continued support of Peace it Together. Wishing you all a safe and fun-filled summer.
Tell us your thoughts for a chance to win a $50 iTunes gift certificate
The only way Peace it Together can truly measure the impact of its work and its films is by getting feedback from some very important people – you.
Please take a few moments to fill out this short survey. The feedback from this survey will help shape Peace it Together’s future.
It only takes a few moments, and you could win 1 of 5 iTunes gift certificates!
Take the survey now.
Filmmakers continue to strengthen their facilitation skills
Palestinian and Israeli youth from the 2011 program have been busy leading film screenings throughout the Middle East, with support from Palestinian Regional Coordinator Rasha Mukbil and Israeli Regional Coordinator Shelley Hermon.
Here they are in action:

Films inspire cross-border engagement among Palestinians and Israelis
Excerpted from our blog. Click here to read the entire post.
Earlier this year, all ten of Peace it Together's 2011 films were screened at the Peaceful Education Community Center in Tulkarm, a city in the north-west part of the Palestinian Territories. Over 40 people were in attendance, 95 per-cent of them young adults. The screening ultimately inspired dozens of audience members to take action.
“Since the screening, I have had nearly 30 teens and young adults participate in cross-border programs and more than 50 apply for them,” says Karen AbuZant, Director of the Peaceful Education Community Center, and Palestinian Coordinator of Encompass Trust-UK...
... continue reading this post on our blog.
Canadian youth reaching local audiences
Members of the 2011 Canadian delegation have also been hard at work showcasing their films and facilitating dialogue sessions in their local communities. These screenings will continue into the fall in a variety of settings, from community events open to the public, to workshops in university classes.
If you are interested in hosting a screening of any kind, please contact Program Manager Metha Brown,

2011 program participant Victor Heeckt leads a discussion at "Peace: Stories and Film, Victories and Challenges," held at the Center for Peace, June 30, 2012. Photo credit: Mercedes Grant.