Covering the Nigerian presidential election and the vote-counting exercise that follows is often a nerve-racking experience. This is because Nigeria’s elections can sometimes be accompanied by violence as groups discredit the results. So it was quite a relief when, at about 4.11am (yes, we were counting the minutes) on 1 March, Bola Ahmed Tinubu was pronounced winner. He polled 36% of the 25 million votes cast. Olayinka Oyegbile describes how the 70-year-old former governor of Lagos advanced from political kingmaker to president-elect.

The announcement of the results wasn’t completely drama-free. There were protests from some opposition parties. Al Chukwuma Okoli explains that, once inaugurated, Tinubu will have to build legitimacy and quickly demonstrate his ability to run the country. These are just a couple of the key issues the new president must address.

Olayinka Oyegbile recommends five essential books that can guide Tinubu as he takes the reins of a deeply divided and disillusioned country.

Adejuwon Soyinka

Regional Editor West Africa

Bola Ahmed Tinubu: The kingmaker is now Nigeria’s president-elect

Olayinka Oyegbile, Trinity University, Lagos

Bola Ahmed Tinubu emerges winner of a disputed 2023 presidential election.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu promised to “renew hope” for Nigeria - 5 ways he can achieve this

Al Chukwuma Okoli, Federal University Lafia

With the controversies surrounding his electoral victory, Bola Ahmed Tinubu would need to build legitimacy, goodwill and demonstrate capacity to govern effectively.

From Chinua Achebe to Toyin Falola – 5 essential books Nigeria’s new president should read

Olayinka Oyegbile, Trinity University, Lagos

What a new president needs to know as he takes the reins of a deeply divided and disillusioned country.

Sex work in South Africa: why both buying and selling should be legal

Marlise Richter, University of the Witwatersrand; Monique Huysamen, Manchester Metropolitan University

The repeal of outdated apartheid-era laws would have a far-reaching, positive impact on individual sex workers’ health and well-being.

A history of Zambia’s green policies shows why environment and development must go hand in hand

Kangacepe Zulu, University of Bolton

Zambia has progressively incorporated green-based policy interventions since the 1960s.

TC Afrique

Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Président élu du Nigeria: un faiseur de roi devenu roi

Olayinka Oyegbile, Trinity University, Lagos

Bola Ahmed Tinubu sort vainqueur d'une élection présidentielle contestée en 2023.

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