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In our world of fast-moving news, the Supreme Court’s monumental decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022 seems, to me at least, like a very long time ago.

Yet states are still figuring out how to modify or double down on their own abortion laws in light of that ruling. And on Tuesday, Ohio was the seventh state since 2022 to adopt a ballot initiative on abortion. In this case, it will permanently enshrine the right to abortion in the state’s constitution.

This and other wins for Democrats in the latest round of voting signal a broader shift in American politics, according to Boston University legal and health scholars Nicole Huberfeld and Linda C. McClain. It suggests that abortion is not just having a brief moment, or that previous wins for abortion rights advocates were flukes.

Rather, abortion is likely to remain a top issue in the national spotlight leading into the 2024 general election. “Abortion increasingly matters to voters. And most voters do not want laws severely restricting abortion and other kinds of reproductive health care,” Huberfeld and McClain write.

Today is a federal holiday for Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day after World War I. To look at the lasting impact of WWI, we’ve pulled together a collection of stories from our archive here.

Amy Lieberman

Politics + Society Editor

Abortion rights supporters celebrate Issue 1 passing in Ohio on Nov. 7, 2023. Megan Jelinger/AFP via Getty Images

Abortion rights victories show this issue is unlikely to fade in 2024 elections − 3 things to know

Nicole Huberfeld, Boston University; Linda C. McClain, Boston University

The new constitutional amendment to protect the right to abortion in Ohio − as well as other wins for Democrats − shows the importance of ballot initiatives and focusing on abortion in elections.

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The Conversation Quiz 🧠

  • Here’s the first question of this week’s edition:

    What did new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson say to Americans while discussing the House GOP's efforts to avert a federal shutdown on Nov. 18?

    1. A. "Trust us"
    2. B. "God will provide"
    3. C. "We're probably screwed"
    4. D. "Shutdowns can be healthy"

    Test your knowledge