You may have heard of food insecurity, a term that means not having consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. Energy insecurity is a similar idea that’s used to describe someone who has trouble paying to heat, cool and power their home.

It was already a problem for many low-income Americans before the COVID-19-induced recession. And now even more households are struggling to keep the lights and air conditioner on, according to a recent survey by Indiana University’s Sanya Carley and David Konisky.

As parts of the U.S. experience heat waves that highlight the issue’s urgency, the energy scholars have some ideas about what government can do to help.

Also today:

Jennifer Weeks

Environment + Energy Editor

The COVID-19 recession has made it harder for many Americans to pay their energy bills. Getty Images

Energy is a basic need, and many Americans are struggling to afford it in the COVID-19 recession

Sanya Carley, Indiana University; David Konisky, Indiana University

Many Americans had trouble paying their energy bills before COVID-19, and the current recession is making the problem worse.

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