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Postgraduate Researcher Training and Development Bulletin- Wednesday 17 July

Welcome to our Postgraduate Researcher Training and Development Bulletin! In this fornightly bulletin, you will find all our upcoming courses divided into four key areas of researcher development as per the Vitae Researcher Development Framework:

  • Knowledge and intellectual abilities
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Research governance and organisation
  • Engagement, influence and impact

In this bulletin, you will also find other training and development opportunities across the University and beyond.

If you are accessing this newsletter off-campus, please note that you will need to connect to the University's VPN to access the booking links.

Next bulletin: Wednesday 31 July.

Knowledge and intellectual abilities

Check out and ELE for useful resources on this topic area.

This includes areas such as academic writing and data analysis.

Personal effectiveness

NEW- How to manage your career (Thursday 26 September, 10.00-11.30 via MS Teams)

A practical and interactive career management course for postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and early career researchers (ECRs). The tools and techniques introduced in this session will be applicable to managing a career within research, but also to those participants wishing to investigate a broader career path outside academia.


NEW- Mapping and Marketing Your Skills (Thursday 3 October, 13.00-14.00 via MS Teams)

This course will provide you with the tools to successfully apply for positions when you finish your research degree. Mapping your experience, skills, competencies & attributes will enable you to write CVs and personal statements, and market yourself and answer questions effectively in interviews.


NEW- LinkedIn for Researchers: Developing and Using Your Profile (Wednesday 9 October, 13.15-14.30 via MS Teams)

A practical and interactive professional social media course for postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and Early Career Researchers (ECRs).

The tools and techniques introduced in this session will be applicable to all those who wish to develop their LinkedIn profile and be proactive in developing online relationships with the wider professional and research community.


NEW- Applying for academic jobs (Wednesday 13 November, 10.30-12.00 via MS Teams)

This course will enable you to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the process of applying for positions in the academic job market. We'll explore what academic recruiters are looking for, where to source vacancies and explore the different stages of the recruitment process. There will be a particular focus on how to write effective CVs, cover letters, application forms and perform well at interviews.

Research governance and organisation

Check out and ELE for useful resources on this topic area.

Research governance and organisation covers areas such as Research Ethics and Health and Safety.

Engagement, influence and impact

Being a Neurodivergent Researcher: Blank space, or, the future beyond the MRes/PhD (Wednesday 17 July, 12.30-15.45, in person in Old Library Training Room 4, Old Library, Streatham Campus)

"So, what are you going to do now?" The dreaded question. This is what you've been trying to avoid all these years. We're all perfectly aware that the job market is terrible for neurodivergent people, in whatever field we try to make our way - we have no illusions about that. However, there are ways to find yourself employed, healthy and supported - somehow, Jorik is all three of those right now! Let's meet and share stories of job interviews, making connections, 'the hustle,' and how to be creative in an economy that's great at excluding us.

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