July 7 2023
A Message from the Principal
It has been my great privilege to walk amongst our students throughout Term 2. Like all new members of a large community, I wondered about how I would feel entering an already thriving College. Reflecting on my first 12 weeks as the Principal of Newman College, I am so grateful to be leading a community centered around family spirit. Being the ‘new guy’, or the new student, the warmth of the students, staff, and families make entering this environment an amazingly positive experience. I look forward to providing the same warmth in welcoming all new students, families, and staff as they enter our community for the first time.
There have been so many highlights across the College in Term 2, but I would like to particularly acknowledge all the cast and crew involved in the College’s junior production of The Lion King Jr. What an incredible quality and energy of performance you provided us all with.
To the students and staff involved in hosting the National Marist Netball Carnival, I congratulate you all on making the 150 netballers, coaches, and support staff from across the country feel special; underpinned by our Marist spirit.
Finally, we celebrated Champagnat Day. A day to give thanks to the founder of Marist Education St. Marcellin Champagnat, and to celebrate our community here at Newman College. It was a special honor to be commissioned as the new College Principal on what is traditionally a day of celebration for Newman College and all Marist schools across the country.
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable mid-year break.
Important Enrolment Information for all Families
Newman College continues to be a school of choice for local families. This has led to a recent surge in Applications for Enrolment. The focus on Year 7 (Y7) intake years has grown considerably. The effect has been a significant increase in the College’s waitlists for upcoming Y7 cohorts including 2024, 2025 and 2026. This trend is expected to continue for Y7 cohorts in 2027 and beyond. The College is unable to accommodate all students with an offer due to the extremely high demand for places.
The College wishes to advise that students who attend Newman College in their Primary school years are guaranteed enrolment into Y7. We, therefore, encourage families to consider securing an available position in our Primary year groups should they wish to guarantee ongoing enrolment into Secondary school years.
The following year groups have limited availability at present (July, 2023), and are subject to ongoing change:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Should you have a desire to bring forward your Application for Enrolment into one of the above-listed year groups, please CONTACT US via email without delay. Acceptance into our Primary year groups will ensure a position is maintained in Y7.
*All applications are assessed in line with the Enrolment Policy and are subject to review and approval by the College Principal.
FAME - Senior Production - Community Event
Following the recent success of our Junior Production of The Lion King Jr, it is time for our talented Y11-12 students to 'shine' in the Senior Production of Fame Jr.
This adaptation of the international smash hit will 'wow' audiences as our most accomplished performing arts students sing, dance, and perform this timeless classic.
Don't miss out and secure your tickets today!
Cyber Safety, Psychology and Sleep - Community Information Event - Monday September 4
Newman College and zero2hero are proud to present the latest in our series of community information events. On September 4, join our panel of leading experts who will guide parents in managing 'Cyber Safety, Pyschology and Sleep' with your children. This ticketed event is open to the public and will provide an opportunity for the audince to seeks answres to the questions you have surround these topics.
Our Newman Commnuity, including recipients of our Newman Newbies Newsletter are eligable for a 50% discount on tickets. Please enter the code cyberhealth at the checkout. Please be advised this is an adults only event.
Capital Development Project - Update
Work has commenced on the major Capital Development Program that will deliver a brand new learning facilities for our PK-Y6 students. This project will see the consolidation of all year groups onto our Churchlands site fo the first time. This incredibly exciting project will deliver learning area that will be the envy of the State.
The project has two approved stages:
The construction of the new Y3-6 building and Admin building. This is due for completion in the first quarter 2024.
The costruction of a new Pre-Kindy building and the creation of new Kindy-Y2 learning areas on the existing Lavalla site. This stage is due for completion at the end of 2024.
We expect to unite all student onto our single Churchlands site for the 2025 school year.
The site is now active with buiders, with a sense of excitement across the entire College community. This generational project will drive the Strategic Intents of the College for decades to come.