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The Equestrian Western Australia Awards for 2021 will enter a new phase.
We are wanting our Members to vote to decide the Discipline winners and the overall winner for the listed categories:
Club of the Year - Coach of the Year - Event of the Year - Special Services to Sport - Official of the Year - Volunteer of the Year
Nominations open – Thursday 16 September 2021
Via the MyEA Portal.
Nominations close – Sunday 28th November 2021
Announcement of Nominees – Tuesday 30th November 2021
Voting opens Monday 2nd December (All members voting must have been financial during the 2021 Membership Year)
Member Voting closes Monday 20th December 2021
Gala Presentation Friday 4 February 2022


On Sunday, the State Equestrian Centre in Brigadoon received an important visit from the Federal Minister of Sport, the Hon Richard Colbeck and West Australian MP, the Hon Ken Wyatt.
The State Equestrian Centre (SEC) has been the home of equestrian sports in WA for 35 years and has played an essential role for WA riders competing on the national and international stage. It hosted World Cups and competitions at the highest levels for riders across the country in its glory days.
Read more
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
EWA is seeking a Marketing and Communications Coordinator to join our team. They will be responsible for designing and implementing marketing and online communication strategies, ensuring contractual sponsorship’s marketing arrangements are met, and working with the team with coordinating the promotion of associated events as required.
Please click here for further information.

Equestrian WA just had another wonderful Rising Stars Clinic.
We’d like to thank our Maitland Park Rising Stars Squad who attended this two day clinic at the State Equestrian Centre here at Brigadoon on 25th and 26th of September.
This was the last Rising Stars Clinic in 2021.
We’d also like to thank our dedicated coaches:Leisl Wilding, Bec Thomas, Shaun Dillon, Deborah Spencer and Emily Gray for the wonderful work they did with all our riders.
EWA would like to thank Maitland Park and Careers in Racing for their generous ongoing sponsorship which allows us to continue the journey for our talented Athletes in further developing their skills in riding and horse management.
Happy Riding and we look forward to seeing you all at the next year in the “Rising Stars”!



High Performance - Competitive Edge - 28th September 2021
Another great session on Competitive Edge – High Performance Off Horse component was held this week.
It was held by Equestrian Queensland and all High Performance Squad members of EWA were also invited.
This week it was presented by Kevin McNab and it was on “Self Confidence & Performance”.

WAIS 2022 Individual Athlete Program Scholarship Selection Process
The Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) would like to acknowledge the unusual circumstances surrounding the 2022 Individual Athlete Program (IAP) scholarship selection process, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With most international and domestic competition cancelled or significantly modified for 2020 and 2021, athletes may have had limited opportunity to register results that WAIS could use to assess scholarship applications. With this in mind, WAIS may be limited in its ability to select/deselect athletes based on this aspect of the selection policy.
The application form requests athlete’s submit competition results and rankings for 2020 and 2021. WAIS will confer with National Sporting Organisations to verify the information submitted by applicants and assist in the assessment of an athlete’s potential to progress.
Enquiries relating to the IAP selection policy and process should be directed to Laura Piromalli, Performance Services Program Manager or 08 9387 8166.

The Wally Foreman Foundation and WAIS are pleased to advise applications for the Wally Foreman Foundation scholarships for 2021 are now open.
Each year the Foundation provides one scholarship to a maximum value of $15,000 for the purpose of pursuing international sporting success.
The Wally Foreman Foundation will consider applications for scholarships from registered Western Australian athletes, 16 and over, who have a specific financial need to assist their progress towards sporting honours. The criteria used to determine the suitability and funding priority of an application for a Wally Foreman Foundation scholarship are:
• Current performance level of applicant.
• Personal potential to reach elite level performance.
• The importance of the specific event or equipment required to achieve the applicant's sporting goals.
• Personal (or, if relevant, family) financial circumstances.
• The level of financial support required.
• Other funds received to support the specific need.
• Reflection of community values in applicant's personal actions.
To apply for a Wally Foreman Foundation scholarship, athletes need to visit the Wally Foreman Foundation website and complete the following steps:
• Read over the scholarship purpose and criteria to ensure that you may qualify and will benefit from a Wally Foreman Foundation scholarship.
• Complete the online application form, ensuring that you have answered all questions accurately and honestly.
• If you have any supporting documentation that you think will assist you in your application, please email
Please note that due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we realise that the plans outlined in your application may change. If you are successful in receiving a Wally Foreman Foundation Scholarship, the Foundation will work with you to determine an appropriate alternative plan. However, if this is not possible then your scholarship offer will be withdrawn.
Applications need to be submitted via the online application form by 5.00pm (AWST) on Friday 11 of October 2021.
Should you have any queries regarding the scholarship application process please contact reception at the Western Australian Institute of Sport on (08) 9387 8166 or

Equestrian WA’s Lisa Baker announced as an inaugural member of the EA High Performance Para-Equestrian Panel
The Equestrian Australia (EA) High Performance Program (HP) is pleased to announce the inaugural members of the EA High Performance Para-Equestrian Panel.
The EA High Performance Para-Equestrian Panel has been established to oversee the short and long-term strategy for achieving sustainable medal-winning performances in the sport of Para-dressage on the world stage.
Read more

Jessica Shaw MLA is pleased to extend a warm invitation for our Sporting Grants Forum, designed to help local clubs secure funding and grow their knowledge about available grants.
The event will be held in the Coolamon Oval Pavilion at 6 pm, Wednesday 27th of October. We will be joined by representatives from Community Sporting Recreation and Facilities Fund (CSRFF) and the City of Swan, who will outline the range of available grants and provide you with skills and advice on grant applications to maximise your group’s chance of success.
Registration is free through Eventbrite and is limited to 2 representatives from each organisation. Please note that the forum is open only to sporting groups based within the Swan Hills electorate. You can register for tickets here;
Feel free email or call the office at 9296 7688 if you have any questions about the event!

Bates Saddles and EWA join forces to support the WA Equestrian High-Performance Squads
We are very glad to announce our new partnership with Bates Saddles in support of our Equestrian WA High Performance Squads. This prestigious partnership will ensure ongoing commitment in preparation for high level competition over multiple equestrian sporting disciplines in Western Australia. Bates Saddles and Equestrian WA’s missions and values align and together we look forward to being able to provide our squads the best support possible.
Bates high end saddles and products have been the choice of equestrians for many years, their success lies in identifying the changing needs of horses and riders and creating saddles to address this.
As part of this new partnership with Equestrian WA, Bates Saddles will be supporting the following squads:
• Equestrian WA Dressage/Para-Equestrian Squad
• Equestrian WA Eventing Squad
• Equestrian WA Vaulting Squad
• Equestrian WA Show Horse Squads
For more information, please contact Aryan Ghasemi - Sports Development Manager (Athletes and Officials Pathway) on 08 9296 1200 or by email:

Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme
The Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme (ATSS)
The Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme (ATSS) is an initiative supporting regional athletes who have progressed into the high performance pathway of their chosen sport and are pursuing regional, state and national representation.
Eligible regional athletes can receive funding for out-of-pocket travel and accommodation expenses directly related to competitions and programs in accordance with the performance level categories and eligibility criteria outlined in the application guidelines.
To be eligible for this, the regional athlete must be aged 13 to 21.
For complete details and to submit an application, please visit:

A reminder to ALL patrons that pets MUST be on leads and controlled at ALL TIMES

EWA is seeking a Caretaker for the State Equestrian Centre, the position requires a motivated person or preferably a couple to fulfil the role as outlined in the position description here.
The SEC Caretaker will be required to live on-site in the Caretaker house and would be required to perform after-hours and weekend duties. The successful applicant will be required to work 14 hours per week, this is a paid position, and a rental agreement for the Caretaker house will be required. The rent for the caretaker house would be equivalent to the Caretaker remuneration.
Please note that while a dog/cat would be permitted no horse agistment is available.
Applicants are to email CV, referee, to


EWA - OTT Metro Clinic
October metro clinic registrations – now live!
Equestrian WA and Off The Track WA are pleased to bring you a multi-disciplinary Off The Track educational clinic. To be held on Saturday, October 16 and Sunday, October 17 at the State Equestrian Centre, this two day clinic will feature flatwork, poles, rails, jumping and ground work lessons.
Your coaches for this clinic will be Colin Chantler (groundwork and green flatwork), David Carey (intermediate and advanced flatwork) and Kellie-Ann Crowe (poles, rails & jumping).
Nominate entries are now open. Be sure to book NOW as our metro clinics fill up quickly. Registrations close Friday, 8 October 2021.
For more information and to enter click here -

EWA - OTT Esperance Clinic
‘Off the Track WA’ is coming to Esperance!
Equestrian WA and Off the Track WA (OTTWA) are proud to be bringing the fifth regional OTTWA clinic to Esperance Equestrian Centre over the weekend of November 6 & 7. It has been a busy 2021 with successful clinics in Albany, Busselton, Geraldton & Murray.
This is a wonderful opportunity for Esperance and Goldfields owners of the off the track standardbreds and thoroughbreds to take advantage of our experienced EA accredited coaches - David Carey, Liz Tollarzo and Kellie-Ann Crowe. This clinic will feature groundwork, flatwork (green, intermediate and advanced) and poles, rails and jumping.
Nominate entries are now open. Be sure to book your place now as these popular clinics fill up quickly. Registrations close Thursday, 29 October 2021.
For more information and to enter click here

SADDLES PLUS - FREE Saddle consultations at the SEC
FREE Saddle Consultations at the SEC – SAVE $100 👏🏻😍 Dates listed below:
International arena 12pm to 4pm – call us now to Book - 08 9526 2292
(A charge of $75 will apply to each Saddle needing adjustments)
Wanting to try new Saddles? Book now this is totally FREE👏🏻
Stock orders can be placed online and collected at SEC during these times (Saddle fit not required) We can also bring any stock customers wish to look at just contact us!!
Friday 15th October 2021

Equestrian Australia Updates
Progress Report from EA Chair Mark Bradley
Equestrian Australia is very pleased to be able to reflect on the great progress that has been made by the EA team over recent months under the leadership of our CEO, Darren Gocher, and our Board, in a number of essential foundation areas which required urgent attention upon exiting voluntary administration in February this year.
Our focus has been across Board and committee governance; safety and risk management; integrity; financial stability and control, including the reinstatement and continuity of essential funding; and the continuity of EA’s standing and relationships with Sport Australia, Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), the FEI, Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) and Australian Paralympic Committee (APC). Read More.
EA Health and Safety Progress Update August 2021
Equestrian Australia (EA) aims to provide a healthy and safe environment (competition and training) to protect riders, horses, coaches and officials.
In 2019, a Coronial inquest following two rider fatalities resulted in 31 recommendations to be implemented to improve safety across the sport of Eventing. This opportunity for EA to raise the level of health & safety across the entire sport has been fully embraced.
Since 2019, EA has done a lot of work in the health and safety space. We have developed, and continue more - HERE
EA - Health and Safety Survey
Calling all coaches, officials, organising committees, EA affiliated clubs and schools, show societies and commercial affiliates; we want to hear your thoughts.
If you fall into one of these groups, the EA National Safety Manager would like to hear your thoughts and feelings about your Health and Safety needs for equestrian sport.
You are invited to participate in a short survey that will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
We know everyone has different opinions, values and beliefs about what health and Safety means to them, so this is your chance to have your say.
Your response will be anonymous and we do not collect identifying information such as your name, email or IP address.
All data collected for this survey will be stored at EA’s National office and all results will be analysed as a group.
Thank you in advance for participating in this valuable survey, let’s continue to strive to improve our sport together.
Start the Survey HERE

The proposed date for the 2022 Interschool Equestrian State Championships is Thursday 21 April 2022 to Saturday 23 April 2022. This is the second week in the school holidays.
Please try to obtain your qualifications well before the event; there are still a number of shows before the end of 2021 at which prospective Interschool competitors can compete.
Please also ensure that your 2022 Membership will be up to date as early in the new year as possible and any new horse registrations are complete at the time of obtaining your qualifications. Entries for the Interschool Championships will likely close mid-March 2022.

EWA Show Horse Awards Presentation
Windy Creek Winery, Stock Rd, Herne Hill
2 pm, Saturday 28 November
Announcement and presentation of leaderboard winners and the bonus you've all been waiting for - THE TRIPLE CASH BONANZA!
Come and wind up the show season on us. Everyone welcome. More information coming soon
All Show Horse Leaderboards now updated - please click - HERE
Reminder to Clubs – for points to count towards the Leader Board, Results and Levies must be received by the EWA office within 14 days of the event.

3 Dressage DWA Grassroots
3 Penny Hill Park Rising Star Award
9 -10 Dressage Swan River Dressage
10 Dressage Margaret River Horse & Pony Club - Dressage Series
10 Dressage GCEC
6 -7 Dressage Busselton Horse & Pony Club
14 Dressage Albany Agricultural Society
17 -21 Dressage JTF Steven Clarke
5 Dressage Transitions
*All dates subject to change


Did you know – Helmet Tagging will be mandatory for all EA Affiliated Jumping events from 1 January 2022.
Keep in touch with your local Jumping Club, State Equestrian Branch, and EA website to find out where you can get your helmet tagged ahead of the 2022 Jumping season.
Current LEADER BOARDS NOW on the EWA website - HERE
RIDERS REP - Riders do not forget that Les Bunning is your Riders Rep. Les is there to talk to if you have any concerns whatsoever, big or small in regards to the event, general rules or welfare of horse or rider. Les can take concerns back to the organising committee or Jumping WA Committee
1-3 Horseland Young Horse Show
8-10 WASJA Patrons Cup @ SEC
22-24 JPEWA State Championship @ Serpentine H & P Club
30 Southside Diamond Show
30 Gidge Ag Show
6-7 Taminga Championship Show @Taminga
13 Southside Gold Show @ Serpentine H & P Club
19-21 Yalambi Spring Champs @ Yalambi Farm
20 Wanneroo Ag Show @ Wanneroo Show Grounds
4-5 Dryandra Showjumping @ Dryandra TBC
*All dates subject to change

Eventing WA is on facebook ... join us HERE to stay updated on all things EVENTING, including the "Monday Rules" and "Tuesday-Three-Day-Tips" by some of our top WA Eventing riders!
Head over to the EWA website for all updated leader boards -> HERE (updated 16/09/2021)
16-17 Swan River CCI-S (Capel) - Ev45 – CCI4*-S
30-31 Brigadoon 2 CCN-S - Ev65 – CCN3*-S
*All dates subject to change

A message from the chair of Eventing WA, Peter McLachlan:
‘Eventing in WA has a rich history of success, camaraderie and a sense of community and the 2021 Eventing Committee is pleased to launch The Eventing WA Values and Behaviours to provide us all with a way to ensure we continue to evolve and develop the Eventing Community into the future’.

Measuring Western Australia SHC, EA
30th & 31st Show Horse Council HOTY - SEC 7am to 10am

Entries for the Spring Challenge are now OPEN - click HERE
10 October - Bakers Hill ARC - Showjumping Competition
24 October - Brookleigh ARC - Showjumping Training Day
24 October - Avon Valley ARC - Hunter Trials - Entries are open

Just a REMINDER that anyone attending the State Equestrian Centre will be required to register their contact details upon arrival to the facilities, from Saturday 5 December 2020.
Download the Safe WA app on your phone prior to arriving at the SEC and Scan the QR codes which will be at entrances around the buildings.
Get the app HERE
If you don’t have a mobile phone a manual form will be available.

From Saturday, 5 December 2020 the Western Australian Government will be implementing a stringent COVID-19 contact tracing procedure. This is in line with the State’s relaxation of the hard border policy.
Selected businesses and venues are required to keep a contact register of ALL visitors. This includes indoor sporting centres, entertainment venues and community facilities. Equestrian WA has sought clarification on equestrian venues and have been advised that most facilities will be required to participate in the mandatory “SafeWA” QR contract tracing register.
The same hygiene, social distancing and COVID Safety Plan measures remain in place for all venues. We have again reviewed and updated the following documents to support the gradual restart of the equestrian activities in WA.







EWA gratefully acknowledges the support of the Department of Sport and LotteryWest.


Equestrian Western Australia's postal address is:
303 Cathedral Ave, BRIGADOON WA 6069
Tel: +61 8 9296 1200
Fax: +61 8 9296 1194
Equestrian Western Australia recognises that privacy is important and that individuals have a right to control their personal information. If you send us an email message we will record your contact details. This information will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. We will not use your email for any other purpose and will not disclose it without your consent. When users choose to join a mailing list their details are added to that specific mailing list and used for the stated purpose of that list only. Equestrian Western Australia members are automatically subscribed to the newsletter when they initially join Equestrian Western Australia or when Equestrian Western Australia receives their
email address.
Copyright 2014, Equestrian Western Australia. This material is protected by copyright. The owners of the copyright in this material reserve all rights. Users must not copy, reproduce, frame, transmit, link to or otherwise use any of the material, including audio and video excerpts, without the prior written permission of Equestrian Western Australia.
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