Welcome to the latest edition of our Stakeholder Newsletter... No images? Click here Stakeholder NewsletterWednesday 25 January 2023Would you like to keep receiving these updates?We would love to keep sharing our updates with you by sending our bulletins via email. We promise we won't spam you and will be sending one email each month. If you would like to keep receiving this newsletter please subscribe here. WelcomeWelcome to our monthly Stakeholder newsletter! We enjoy letting you know about the latest news from our teams, as well as making you aware of some of the more important information and our upcoming campaigns and awareness dates. At our Trust, we always endeavour to keep you aware of the great work our staff are doing to help the wider community. This month, we feature our second Governor profile with Staff Governor, William Taylor. We also highlight our new 2022-2027 Trust Strategy and informing you of changes happening to Primary Care in Bridlington. We hope you to enjoy our newsletter. If you have any comments, ideas for articles, or if you'd like to contribute to future editions, please email hnf-tr.communications@nhs.net. Thank you, FeaturesAfter staying in one of our mental health assessment units, Luke tells his story about how he found the strength to carry on, and about how his time within our services inspired him to use his experience to help others. This news is certainly something to be celebrated, as it means fewer people than ever continue to smoke in the East Riding and fewer babies are being born with significant risk of SIDS and other concerns, as a result of parents who smoke. Governor ProfileEach month we will be sharing a profile of our one of our Governors. Governors give up their time voluntarily and have an important role to hold the non-executive directors to account for the performance of the Board of Directors and to represent the interests of the members of the Foundation Trust as a whole and the interests of the public. This month Staff Governor, William Taylor tells us why he wanted to volunteer to help staff and service users. If you want to learn more about the Governors or are interested in applying for a vacancy if there are any available, please contact the Membership Office on 01482 389132. Service UpdatesNo matter who we are, where we live, or the kind of life we lead, there will always be moments where we feel alone or isolated. For some, unfortunately those moments happen more frequently than others. Many fishermen have been forced to fish further away from their usual fishing grounds, consuming greater quantities of fuel without any guarantee of making a profitable return on this expenditure. This year, Blue Monday occurred on 16th January 2023. Our East Riding Emotional Wellbeing Service are here for you. The dedicated team want to share with you a few ways to get through difficult moments and the support available to you if it all gets too much. Bridlington Primary Care Network has confirmed the transfer dates for Field House Surgery and Wolds View to Practice Three. Information about the changes will continue to be available online. Introducing our Trust Strategy 2022 - 2027We’re proud to share with you our new Trust Strategy, which was launched in October 2022. You can read the full Trust Strategy or the easy read version and watch a video explaining our aims on the Trust website. Upcoming Awareness DatesThe communications team have several upcoming Awareness dates in January and February that you should keep a look out for on our social media and elsewhere. You as a governor, member or interested individual can help us share these posts on social media to help ensure this vital messaging is seen by as many people as possible. In the meantime, read more about the importance of these dates below by clicking the links. LGBT+ History Month: February 2023 Time to Talk Day: 2 February 2023 Children’s Mental Health Week: 6-12 February 2023 Apprenticeship Week: 6-12 February 2023 Mental Health Nurses Day: 21 February 2023 If you are interested in getting more involved in these awareness dates, please contact the communications team at HNF-TR.communications@nhs.net. You can also keep upto date with the latest Trust news on our website and our social media channels which can all be accessed here. |