![]() December, 2021 IMPORTANT: NEW SCC PROCESSES | FORMSThis newsletter provides important process updates and links to new and revised documents for project teams engaged in Shared Care work. ![]() IN THIS ISSUE
![]() Why these changes?The Shared Care Committee (SCC) and team continue efforts to streamline processes for those engaging in Shared Care work to save time, increase efficiencies, and to ensure the Committee has all the relevant information they need to assist with their funding decisions. Additionally, as the volume of successful Shared Care work has grown, there is a desire to be able to analyze and compare data derived from project outcomes to really showcase the value of SCC work and its impact. This is where we wish to work with you, and better support you with tools, resources, and templates to gather data, and to help maximize the success and sustainability of your project. Please note that all the documents mentioned in this newsletter are housed on the Shared Care Learning Centre for your convenience. If you have any questions at all, please contact your liaison. ![]() Updated forms
![]() Quarterly reportsThe process of email submission of bimonthly project reports is changing to submission of a Quarterly Report, which can be completed online. A new Financial Report will also now be required to accompany the Quarterly Report. The first Quarterly Report and Financial Report are due January 15, 2022. Please note that EOIs and Steering Committee funds do not require reports. Future submission dates: April 15; July 15; October 15
![]() Shared Measures Orientation | Jan 20Starting this January, 2022, all Shared Care funded projects will be incorporating Shared Measures as part of their project's approach to measurement and evaluation. You are encouraged to attend the first learning session on how to include Shared Measures into your projects. Participants will have the chance to work through the process of selecting appropriate measures and to raise any questions they may have. Shared Measures Orientation / FAQ session This one-pager provides some information on the Shared Measures approach. ![]() Evaluation Toolkit & templatesShared Care projects are required to submit an evaluation plan at the start of a project, and an evaluation report when it concludes. The following resources have been created to assist you with incorporating evaluation into your project. Evaluation Plan template –There are two options for when to submit your evaluation plan:
Project teams can use their own evaluation plan template if preferred. Evaluation Toolkit – This toolkit provides project teams with a practical framework for planning a project evaluation, including at which stage an evaluation consultant should be hired if this expertise does not exist on the team. The toolkit also includes templates and survey tools that can be used to strengthen evaluation and reporting practices. Word versions of survey tools can also be found on the Shared Care Learning Centre ![]() Sustainability Toolkit & fundingA Sustainability Toolkit has been created to help you assess and plan for the long-term sustainability of your project. Sustainability funding is also now available. Sustainability Toolkit Sustainability funding ![]() About Shared Care The Shared Care Committee (SCC) is one of four joint collaborative committees representing a partnership between the BC Government and Doctors of BC. Formed in 2006 under the Physician Master Agreement, the SCC supports the coordination and integration of care between family and specialist physicians for an improved patient experience and health care system. Sharing your knowledge is important - please send information or feedback to ldespins@doctorsofbc.ca. |