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Worship Service: February 27th, 2022

Scripture: Luke 4:1-13

"Wilderness: The Practice of Getting Lost"

Rev. Kyle Roggenbuck


Ash Wednesday, March 2nd

Ashes To Go 7-9am in the sanctuary

Ash Wednesday service 7pm

Click here for the St. Matthew Lenten calendar

Masks are required for everyone while indoors at St. Matthew, regardless of your vaccine status.

Ash Wednesday, March 2nd

"Remember, O mortal, that you are dust and to dust you shall return."

Ash Wednesday is the day that marks the beginning of our 40 days of Lent, walking alongside Jesus as He makes His way to Jerusalem and to His death and resurrection. It has traditionally been a time of spiritual renewal, a time of taking stock, a time of renewal.

We invite you to observe Ash Wednesday by attending our Ash Wednesday service at 7pm on March 2nd. We are also offering Ashes To Go on Wednesday morning from 7-9am in the Sanctuary, if you wish to stop by before your work day to receive ashes and have some time for prayer and quiet contemplation.

Donation Drive, February 26th

Betty Greer will be at church on Saturday, February 26th from 1-2:30pm to collect donations for People's Resource Center and Interfaith Food Pantry. Most needed items are listed on the left sidebar.

crazies Chili Cook-off

The crazies are sponsoring a Chili Cook-off on Sunday, February 27th after church.

Click here to sign up to bring your favorite chili!

Is your chili the Best of St. Matthew?

Annual Care Package Collection

We are collecting items for the college and military care packages. There will be a basket to place your donation in the narthex. Please send the name and address of your college student or military member to Susan Wold at

If you would like to donate towards postage, each care package costs $15 to send. Postage donations can be left in an envelope marked “Postage donation” with your name on it in the black mailbox outside the office. The deadline for all donations is March 6th.

Dobstaff Pantry Clean Out

We cleaned out the pantry in Dobstaff! There are lots of items that we no longer need. Check out the tables by the windows in Dobstaff to see if you can repurpose any of the items (vases, baskets, misc kitchen etc.).

Any items still remaining will be donated to charity at the beginning of March. 

Red Cross Blood Drive

St. Matthew will be hosting a blood drive for the American Red Cross on Friday, March 4th from 10am-3pm in Dobstaff. To sign up to donate blood, visit and enter the sponsor code GDAWG.

Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome.

SCRIP Program Changes

It was announced in the Annual Meeting that the Scrip program is not bringing in enough money to keep running it the way we have been. 

We will now only take physical card orders on the first Sunday of every month. The first Sunday will give you an opportunity to order reloadable cards along with other physical cards you may need. You will be able to place your own personal orders online anytime (instructions are below) for virtual eCards and Reloads on existing cards, and pay from your own checking account for only $.15 per order. Scrip sends us the rebates from online orders the first week of every month.

Click on these links to download online ordering instructions and lists of retailers that offer virtual eCards and Reloads

SCRIP ONLINE – How To Order and Pay



Interested in becoming a member of St. Matthew?

Please contact Pastor Kyle if you are interested in finding out more about St. Matthew and becoming a member. She will be happy to meet with you!

Mask Policy

Masks are required for everyone while indoors at St. Matthew, regardless of your vaccine status.

Please do not attend if you are sick or have recently been sick.

Online Sunday Worship

The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.


Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page:

**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**

You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage ( to access the online service. 

Online Giving

Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!