Work on Ōtaki Bridge shared path starts next week
From Monday 12 August next week, work starts on the installation of the Ōtaki River Bridge shared path clip-on.
The walking and cycling path will connect Ōtaki with existing walking and cycling paths throughout Kāpiti. That'll make travel safer and more enjoyable for everyone, whether you're walking, cycling, or driving.
Traffic lights at the bridge
We’re installing the shared path using stop/go traffic management – allowing traffic to cross the bridge in both north and southbound directions. While this stop/go traffic management will still cause some disruption and delays to road users, we’ll work to minimise the impact as much as possible.
There’ll be a temporary speed limit of 30km/h through the work area to keep road users and work crews safe.
Works programme
From 12 August, construction begins on the clip-on foundations at either end of the bridge. This work is expected to continue through until early December. To construct these foundations, which involves cutting into a traffic lane, the southbound lane on the bridge needs to remain closed 24/7, requiring stop/go traffic management.
Following the construction of the foundations, we’ll complete installation of the support brackets and shared path clip-on in the first quarter of 2025. While stop/go will still be in use during work hours, this final stage of installation will allow for two lane access outside of working hours. Both lanes will also be open during the Christmas closedown period.
If you have any questions or concerns during construction, you can contact contractor Downer on 022 505 7152 or via manawatuenquiries@downer.co.nz.