Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is February 22nd.
Pastor Erin will be offering early morning ashes from 7-8am.
Evening worship and Ashes will be at 7pm.
Lenten Bible Study
Starting on Tuesday, February 28th, at 7pm, and running through Lent, Pastor Erin will be leading a Bible Study, “The Lord’s Prayer: Sacred Subversity.”
Walking “the Way” with Jesus: A Lenten Morning of Reflection
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March11th, 10am-noon
The Season of Lent is a season of “Discipleship,” but for many Christians the idea of being a disciple can seem far away from the realities of daily life. But at its heart, to be a disciple means to follow Jesus, learning from a Master Teacher how we should live and be in the world today. This morning of reflection will use stories and images from the Bible to help us to come to a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Jesus and to allow the faith we profess to truly shape how we live our lives.
Silas Henderson is a Roman Catholic religious brother and a member of the Society of the Divine Savior (the Salvatorians). He holds a Doctor of Ministry Degree in liturgy from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and a Masters in Theological Studies from St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. A deacon, catechist and retreat leader, Bro. Silas is the author of four books and his reflections and articles on the liturgy, spirituality, and discipleship have appeared in a variety of prominent Catholic publications in the United States and Great Britain.
Men's Social Group
We are trying to gauge the interest in a monthly St. Matthew Men's Social Group. Kind of like a guys night out—very casual. The first event will be dinner at Bruce Anderson's home on March 2nd at 6:30pm.
Once we get input from the group, we can plan future events. If you are interested in this, please let Bruce know so he can order enough Sharko's BBQ. This is a great opportunity to get to know some church friends better in an informal setting!
Messy Faith
Jesus asked more questions than He answered. Maybe we should do the same. Join us this Lent for small group discussions about God, Salvation, and the Cross. Wednesdays at 7pm in March in the parlor.
Managing Life In Our Anxious World
The Christian Education committee is sponsoring this new program on Thursday, March 16th from 6-8pm.
Jeff Wood, a retired teacher and guidance counselor, will introduce skills to help manage emotions, anxiety, and thoughts in a healthy manner.
The presentation begins at 6pm, followed by Q&A and breakout sessions. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. This program is suitable for middle/high school students, parents, and anyone who is interested in emotional health.
crazies meeting update
We will not meet on Sunday, February 19th (President's Day weekend).
We will resume on February 26th with a fun event!
Interested in Becoming a Member of St. Matthew?
Pastor Erin would like to engage with you in person about involvement in this beloved community. Reach out to Pastor Erin via email to setup a time to chat or contact the office.
Nursery Volunteer Help Needed
Do you love holding babies and playing with little children? We need you!
We are in need of a second adult to help in the nursery on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:30. You can sign up to help once a month or just to help occasionally when it works in your schedule. Please contact Dawn Schubert with an questions. Thank you!
Click here to volunteer to help in the nursery!
Pickleball, March 4th
Pickleball is a fun sport created for all ages and skill levels that combines many elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. Adults are invited to come play pickleball on Saturday, March 4th, from 3-5pm at the Warrenville Park District indoor pickleball courts located at 3S260 Warren Avenue in Warrenville. You do not need any pickleball playing experience to participate in this event.
The cost for participants will be approximately $10/person. Grabbing dinner afterward will also be an option. This Membership Life event is limited to 30 participants and sign up is required. The information and sign-up sheets are located in the narthex. Feel free to contact Linda Raymond at 630.702.1212 (lindaraymond2002@yahoo.com) or Tracey Blake at 630.946.4884 (stutra@hotmail.com) with any questions or to reserve a spot. Come join us for a fun-filled afternoon!
Our Church Directory is Online!
Download the Instant Church Directory app from the Apple® App store in iTunes®, Google Play™ store and the Amazon Fire App Store. Simply search for “Instant Church Directory” to get the download.
You will need to use your email address as listed in our directory to create a log-in the first time you use the directory online and via the mobile app.
To view the directory online, go to members.InstantChurchDirectory.com and follow the prompts under “Sign In” to “Create a login now.” Please remember, you must confirm your email address before you can sign in.
Contact the office with questions.
Sunday Coffee Hour
For coffee after church, please consider bringing a treat on the following weeks:
Last names A-C, 1st Sunday
Last names D-H, 2nd Sunday
Last names I-O, 3rd Sunday
Last names P-Z, 4th Sunday
Anyone, 5th Sunday
Please contact Wendy Fanning if you are able to set up or clean up coffee hour. Thanks for your help.
Online Sunday Worship
The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.
Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/StMatthewUCC
**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**
You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage (stmatthewucc.org) to access the online service.
Online Giving
Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!