28 April 2023 View in browser

Here is the latest information for coach operators visiting Central London with tours & groups during the week of the Kings Coronation commencing Tuesday 2 May 2023. 

Because of rehearsals there will be some evening/night closures on Tuesday 2 May. Then on the evening/night of Friday 5 May 2023 to allow preparations for the Event itself.   

If there are any further changes or additional information made, Coaching Matters will of course bring them to you.  

Tuesday 2 May 2023

From 16:00 on Tuesday 2 May: Whitehall, Bridge Street, Parliament Square, Millbank and Victoria Street, Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross Road, The Strand will be closed.

These roads should be reopened by 09:00 Wednesday 3 May 2023.

Also on Tuesday 2 May: From 19:00: Westminster Bridge, Victoria Embankment and York Road will close. These roads should be reopened by 05:00 Wednesday 3 May 2023.

Friday 5 May 2023

From 19:00: Whitehall, Bridge Street, Parliament Square, Millbank and Victoria Street, Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross Road, The Strand will close. 

These roads should be reopened by 22:00.

Saturday 6 May 2023

On Saturday 6 May 2023 there will be extensive road closures in the Westminster area for the Coronation of Kings Charles III. As a result, many of the normal coach facilities will not be available, especially those on Park Lane and Victoria Embankment.

Therefore, TfL strongly advise that private hire coaches visiting central London on the day of the Coronation, especially those with passengers going to the event should drop off at the locations listed below and then use coach parks (pre-booking recommended) outside the central area.

TfL also advise that coaches pick up passengers at or near the coach parks as access & journey times from parking locations back into central London will be difficult to anticipate and could be excessive.  

Suggested Central London drop off points – existing operational restrictions apply.

Kingsway (existing coach bays between Aldwych and Holborn)

Madame Tussauds (existing coach bays Marylebone Road eastbound)

Natural History and V&A museums (existing coach bays on Cromwell Road) Parking

Coach Parking sites

Wembley Stadium coach park - parking can be pre-booked click here.

North Greenwich O2 coach park

Bayswater Road coach park

New Covent Garden Market coach park Tel 0207 720 2211


Road Closures on Saturday 6 May 2023

The following closures will be in place on Saturday 6 May 2023

From 05:00 – Westminster Bridge, Victoria Embankment and York Road. These roads should be reopened by 16:30.

Piccadilly will be closed at 05:00 until after the crowds have dispersed from approximately 15:00.

There is a contingency to close Hyde Park Corner if it necessary due to crowding and there are a number of military crossings at Hyde Park Corner,

Local buses will be withdrawn from 09:00 hours until approximately 15:00.

Traffic movement from Grosvenor Place into Knightsbridge should be maintained. There will also be a closure of Kings Road in both directions between Sydney Street and Sloane Square for a Street party from 08:00 hours until 20:00.

22 Greencoat Place
020 7240 3131
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