Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Takitimu North Link project update

Stage 2 - Te Puna to Ōmokoroa update for stakeholders

5 February 2025


About the project

Takitimu North Link is a vital transport link providing a more efficient, reliable, and safer connection between Tauranga and Ōmokoroa. This major infrastructure project contributes to building a transport network that enables people and freight to move around efficiently, quickly, and safely.

Stage 1 of the project (Tauranga to Te Puna) is a Crown funded new 6.8km 4-lane expressway, currently in construction and due for completion in 2028.

This update is focused on Stage 2 of the project (Te Puna to Ōmokoroa), which includes:

  • a new 8km 4-lane expressway, extending Stage 1 onwards from Te Puna to Ōmokoroa
  • 14 bridges and culverts
  • overbridge for local traffic at Plummers Point Road/Barrett Road
  • overbridge for local traffic at Snodgrass Road/Te Puna Quarry Road
  • grade-separated interchange at SH2/Ōmokoroa Road
  • 4 million cubic metres of earthworks
  • 33 hectares of ecological restoration
  • existing SH2 highway retained as a local road

Project benefits

  • Support economic growth
  • Improve resilience
  • Reduced travel time
  • Improve reliability
  • Improve safety


Progress update

In 2023 we shared the preferred alignment along with the proposed designation boundary for the new highway. At that time, landowners, stakeholders and the community were invited to give their feedback. An engagement summary was shared following this phase, here.

Early 2024, Takitimu North Link Stage 2 was identified as a Road of National Significance (RONS). Following this NZTA has been working to determine the best consenting pathway for the project, as well as alignment with the Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS 2024).  

In October 2024 the NZTA Board endorsed the project’s scope, enabling the project to proceed to lodge notice of requirement and resource consent applications in early 2025, giving partners, landowners, and the community certainty of the route.

In addition to this, we have now recommenced engagement with directly affected landowners and are progressing to acquire 73 properties impacted by the project.

Ongoing engagement with local hapū is progressing, with input into historical and environmental aspects of the project, as well consideration of cultural aspects in the project design.

We are also looking further at the connection between Stage 1 and Stage 2 and the design and sequencing of this given the target start date and its interaction with the completion of Stage 1.

NZTA is working towards being construction ready by end of 2027.

NZTA acknowledges the Government’s decision to confirm the tolling proposal for Takitimu North Link. This decision provides the project with the direction needed to move forward, and provide clarity for communities and road users. NZTA thanks everyone who made submissions, public consultation is a valued part of the process and the insights gained through submissions were considered in the decision-making process. Revenue collected from the toll will ensure Takitimu North Link remains safe and well maintained, and will contribute towards the construction and maintenance of the road.

The Minister of Transport’s full announcement can be viewed here.


Updated design drawings

The alignment and intersection forms have not changed from the emerging preferred design shared in 2023, and there are no changes to the designation boundaries. However, the shared walking and cycling path alongside the highway has been removed from the scope to align with GPS 2024. Walking and cycling paths have been retained on the Ōmokoroa interchange and the Francis Road realignment as they form part of the emerging Ōmokoroa urban area.


Next steps

More information on the phasing of the project will be available throughout 2025. We will continue to engage with stakeholders including local hapū and local councils as the project develops.

An information sheet can be downloaded here.

We welcome any comment or feedback on the project and encourage you to share this information with contacts who may be interested.

Please send feedback or requests for more information by reply to this email to bopprojects@nzta.govt.nz.