PP2Ō corridor improvements design update
Update on the design for the SH1 revocation project through the Ōtaki business precinct
Thank you to those who attended the business group meeting held in December as well as those we had the opportunity to meet in January. We appreciated the opportunity to discuss the project and hear your concerns.
Following those conversations, we’ve meet with Kāpiti Coast District Council to discuss the design.
From those discussions these changes to the previous design have been made:
There will no longer be green painted cycling lanes on the road through the business precinct, north of Waerenga Road intersection. Like any road other than motorways, cyclists are still permitted to use this section of road, but there will no longer be green paint or cycle symbols on the road.
The planned traffic light upgrade at Arthur Street intersection, including the turning bays, has been removed from the design. Kerb buildouts onto the road will be minimised and all parking that would have been impacted, will now be retained.
We’re now working through these design changes and their potential impacts on other elements of the design, including the schedule of works. We’ll share further updates on the project once we’ve completed these designs updates.
Since starting work on the planning for the SH1 revocation project, KCDC has confirmed its phasing for their sewer main project. We’ve now agreed with KCDC that they will complete the planned SH1 revocation project work (mainly kerb and channel upgrades) at the Mill Road Roundabout as part of their sewer main project. This is the most efficient way to complete both projects.
Working with businesses
Once the design and programme have been finalised, we’ll be in contact with all affected businesses. We want to discuss potential impacts with everyone, and work through ways we can help you and other businesses mitigate those impacts. We’ll also work with each business to ensure vehicle access is maintained as much as possible during construction and that scheduling of works will lessen the impact.
While these corridor improvements will have an impact on businesses during construction, we’re committed to working with all affected businesses to minimise those impacts as much as possible.