Discover news from around the Trust, delve into the valuable insights from our Friends and Family Test, plus upcoming awareness dates and much more! No images? Click here ![]() WELCOMEWelcome to the latest edition of our monthly Humber Happenings Newsletter! It brings me great pleasure to keep you informed about the latest developments within our teams and share crucial information alongside updates on our upcoming campaigns and awareness dates. In this edition, we are delighted to announce a new appointment, celebrate an overwhelmingly positive result from the early years trial, share a range of Trust engagement opportunities and other noteworthy achievements and developments within the Trust. We hope you to enjoy our newsletter and find it both informative and engaging. If you have any comments, ideas for articles, or if you'd like to contribute to future editions, please email Thank you, ![]() We are delighted to announce that Karen Phillips has been appointed Associate Director for People and Organisational Development. Karen has worked for the Trust since 2019 and was previously Deputy Director of Workforce and Organisational Development. Karen has had a 15-year career in the HR and prior to her role at the Trust worked at Navigo, North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus and North East Lincolnshire Council, whilst previously gaining experience in the Education Sector. Interested in staying up-to-date with the latest news from the Trust? We regularly upload news stories to our Trust's website, Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust. ![]() Health visitors from Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust have been involved in a trial, funded by The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood. The trial tested the feasibility of introducing a new baby observation tool to support parent-child interactions and increase the ability of a health visitor to interpret baby behaviour. The pilot ran in two areas initially, Humber and South Warwickshire, but the outcome of this trial is the recommendation that training be expanded to further areas. The findings of the trial have been set out in an evaluation report published today by The Institute of Health Visiting and The University of Oxford. ![]() The Humber and North Yorkshire Children and Young People's Trauma Informed Care Programme Conference was held at the MKM Stadium in Hull on Tuesday 5th March, where they welcomed over 200 colleagues to come and learn more about the considerable progress made by the Programme since it began. As the movement for Trauma Informed Practice across the system builds within front-line services across Humber and North Yorkshire, this conference presented an opportunity to share and consolidate learning and good practice across diverse sectors within our ICS as well as with our colleagues regionally and nationally. The conference was attended by a wide range of stakeholders that we have worked with over the first 18 months of the Programme; those who can initiate system change at an operational and strategic level, and those working within systems to support young people who have or may have experienced trauma. We wanted to share our work on transformational system change, as well as to give our Test and Learn pilot sites the opportunity to showcase their excellent work and the positive outcomes and impact on Children and Young People. ![]() Friends and Family Test The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. It provides a mechanism to highlight patient experience and is vital in transforming NHS services, supporting patient choice and implementing changes based on your feedback. Each month we will be sharing patient experiences from our different services, alongside a patient comment. 88.5% of respondents had a positive experience of our Community and Primary Care Services in March. "Nothing is too much trouble. Staff are friendly, helpful and do a great job." Let's Get Better Unwell? Choose well. We know that finding the right place to go when you become ill or are injured can be confusing. By selecting the right service for your illness or injury, you’re not only looking after your health but using your NHS services responsibly and in a way that helps hardworking staff to treat and care for patients appropriately. ![]() Keeping You Well At the heart of community healthcare, GP surgeries and the healthcare professionals working within them play a crucial role in keeping us well. This infographic provides a snapshot of the dedicated efforts of GP surgeries in ensuring the health and well-being of our communities. To view statistics from all three of our GP surgeries, click on the links below. ![]() Engagement Opportunities Mental Health Division Involvement and Co-production Opportunities Our Patient and Carer Experience forums in Hull and East Riding, Whitby and District and Scarborough and Ryedale give patients, service users, carers, staff, statutory and voluntary organisations the opportunity to have a voice and to raise awareness of patient and carer experience. If you would like to participate in our forums or know of a patient, carer or organisation that might be interested, or if you would like to join our network please contact the Patient Experience team at or telephone 01482 389167. Humber Youth Action Group (HYAG) Do you know of any young people that might like to help us shape and improve our services at Humber through co-production? If so, please encourage them to join HYAG where young people aged 11-25 come together and tell us their thoughts, ideas and opinions about our services - they are truly making a difference. By joining, young people can interview new staff members, design new websites and marketing materials, develop their C/V, make new friends, and understand how the NHS is ran and funded. We understand joining a new group can be scary, that's why our Engagement Manager and Assistant for Children's Services can meet young people before choosing to join to ease any anxiety that they may have and answer any questions before their first meeting. If you would also like to bring any co-production projects or ideas to the group or need help from the HYAG, please email Bethia (Engagement Manager) at or Flick (Engagement Assistant) at The Humber NHS Cadets Programme Do you know of any young people that are thinking about a career in the NHS or have an interest in healthcare? Then the cadet programme is for them! The Humber NHS Cadet Programme is for young people wanting to learn more about important health topics, the NHS organisation, as well as:
This 11-month programme is in collaboration with St John Ambulance and consists of 2 weekly sessions on an evening 6-8pm. The highly trained and friendly NHS Cadet Team, along with our NHS staff, will support young people through the programme which will be shaped to their needs and interests. There are two programmes one for 14–16-year-olds and one for 16-18 year olds the sessions are a mixture of face-face and virtual. VolunteeringWhy Volunteer?Volunteering is a powerful way to make a difference in the world around you. Whether you have a few hours to spare each week or are looking for a meaningful way to contribute to society, there's a volunteering opportunity waiting for you. By volunteering, you can:
Become a Member. Sign up today! Being a member of our Trust provides the opportunity to become involved and have a say in how our services are developed. Membership is free and you can be involved as much or as little as you would like. Council of Governors and Public Board Meetings Join us for our next Council of Governors meeting at 2pm on Thursday 18 July 2024 online. For more information and to register your attendance, please contact the Membership Office: Telephone: 01482 389132 Email: Our next Public Trust Board meeting will be streamed live on the Trust YouTube Channel on Wednesday 29 May 2024 between 9.30am - 1.00pm. Governor Profile Kimberley Harmer recently joined the Trust's Board of Governors in the last Governor Election. Having served as a Community Ambassador in Bridlington and surrounding areas, and her various involvement trustee roles, including founder of Fuse Youth, trustee of The Hinge Centre and Bridlington Health Forum, and advisor on the Force IAG and Violence against Women and Girls IAG with Humberside Police, and school governor at Headlands Secondary School, Kimberley's proven community involvement has led her to becoming a Governor at the Trust, where she seeks to leverage her skills and experience to advocate for equitable healthcare access and outcomes within the region. ![]() Kimberley Harmer, Public Governor Current Vacancies To view all available vacancies and apply, visit our Join Humber jobs website. If you would like a role to be included in the next issue of Humber Happenings, please email with your expression of interest. Upcoming Awareness DatesNational Walking Month World Hand Hygiene Day: 5 May International Nurses Day: 12 May Mental Health Awareness Week: 13 - 19 May Dementia Action Week: 13 - 19 May International Clinical Trials Day: 20 May If you are interested in getting more involved in these awareness dates, please contact the communications team at You can also keep up to date with the latest Trust news on our website and our social media channels which can all be accessed here and below. Feedback and Suggestions Your feedback is invaluable to us! Whether you have comments, insightful ideas for potential articles, or a desire to contribute to upcoming editions, we welcome your input. Feel free to reach out to us via email at We look forward to hearing from you! |