Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Peka Peka to Ōtaki corridor improvements

Business update

11 March 2025


Corridor improvements

Work on the Peka Peka to Ōtaki corridor improvements are well under way. We’ve been working in Te Horo since November and recently started work in Ōtaki between Waerenga Road and Sue Avenue. Once these corridor improvements have been completed, the community will have a road that’s fit-for-purpose to function as a local road.

In January we confirmed the following decisions:

  • There will no longer be green paint or cycle symbols on the road north of the Waerenga Road, intersection, through the Ōtaki retail precinct,
  • The planned traffic light upgrade at Arthur Street intersection, including turning bays, has been removed from the design,
  • Kerb buildout onto the road will be minimised and all parking that would have been impacted, will be retained.

Since then, we’ve been updating the detailed design based on these changes. We’ll be completing the detailed design shortly, with the aim to start construction in the Ōtaki retail precinct by mid-April. Before construction starts, we’ll visit or contact all affected businesses with information about the project and the works programme.

Throughout the project, our construction team will work with each business to minimise the works impact as much as possible.



More information


Webpage: Peka Peka to Ōtaki corridor improvements