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Strong focus on improving safety on SH2

28 November 2018

We are now able to provide an update on the re-evaluation process for the long-term improvements project for this northern section of SH2. 

The work to align the project with the new priorities set out in the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport (GPS) is now complete. The Government has a new vision for our land transport system focusing on safety, access, the environment and value for money.

The NZ Transport Agency board has now endorsed the general approach for future plans for this project, which has a strong focus on improving safety.

Outcome of the re-evaluation
Continuing to provide safer access to the Coromandel Peninsula is the priority for SH2 between Pokeno and Mangatarata (between SH1 and the SH2/SH25 intersection). Safety improvements on the existing highway will take place in the short-term to reduce the crash risk.

In the medium and longer term, installation of more central median and side barriers, better passing opportunities, intersection improvements to create better and safer access to local roads, and speed limits suitable for the road environment are planned.

The Pokeno interchange will be upgraded in the medium term, with additional capacity on Section A east of the SH1 intersection providing for a safer merge between SH2 and SH1.

The remaining portion, including Mangatawhiri, Kopuku, Maramarua and Mangatarata, will remain a two-lane highway (one lane in each direction) with intersection improvements such as roundabouts, and speed limits which accommodate the varied use of vehicles on the highway, such as agricultural vehicles.

There will be emphasis on travel demand management tools to enable people to make informed choices on travels times and routes, especially when delays or incidents occur.
Some land purchasing is needed to provide for future route flexibility.

Next steps
As outlined above we will progress the safety improvements while continuing with planning and design for medium to longer-term works.

With route protection remaining a medium to long-term priority, the Transport Agency’s property consultants will be in touch with landowners to update negotiations and timelines, recognising some landowners have concluded sales agreements with the Crown but others have less urgency.

In December, once the re-evaluations for all 12 corridors across the country are complete, we will consider in more detail the plans and timing for these projects including available funding.

We appreciate your patience while we have carried out this important work and recognise the frustration that uncertainty can bring. We have been working as quickly as we can to align with new government priorities and provide the best outcomes and value for money for communities now and in the future.

For more information about re-evaluated projects and the process go to



More information


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