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9:30am Worship Service: April 30th

Scripture: John 20:19-29

“Thomas Doubts"

Rev. Erin Wyma

Click here to sign up for Sunday service volunteer opportunities (reader, greeter, acolyte, or usher)

May Nursery Volunteer Help Needed

We are in need of a second volunteer in the nursery on May 7th and May 28th (Memorial Day weekend).

Please consider helping out, especially if you use this service of our church. We cannot have the nursery open if we do not get a second person to help Kira. Please let Dani in the office know if you can help. 

Publicity Chair

We need a Publicity Chair to help us spread the word about our awesome events! Post our events on Nextdoor, The Patch, and others. Dani has a list of sources.

The Publicity Chair also makes sure that banners are put up a few weeks before the events occur.  

This is a great way to volunteer while working from home. Please contact Kenna Anderson if you can help.

Low Country Shrimp Boil - Back Bay Mission Fundraiser

Please join the Mission Committee on Saturday, April 29th, from 6:30-9pm, for our Shrimp Boil Fundraiser to benefit Back Bay Mission.

The cost is $25 per adult and $5 for children, with a maximum cost of $60 per family.

RSVP so we can determine how much shrimp we need. The more, the merrier!

Shrimp, salad, bread, and dessert, as well as mac & cheese will be provided. Checks can be made payable to St. Matthew with “Shrimp Boil” noted. To sign up, please email John Adams with the number of adults and youth in your party.

We hope you can join us for a night of great food and fellowship while supporting Back Bay.

Women's Fellowship - New Date

Our next Women’s Fellowship get-together is Thursday, May 4th. We will be having a hands-on cooking class — learning to make handmade gnocchi at Dorothy Peterson’s house.

We will prepare the gnocchi together, and then enjoy it for dinner.
We will start the process at 5:30, but feel free to come whenever your schedule allows. 

For this get-together, it would be helpful to have a count, so click here to RSVP by May 1st to Dorothy! More details to follow.

ESSE: Giving DuPage Days, May 1st-5th

ESSE Adult Day Services is again participating in the 4th annual Giving DuPage Days, a community-wide fundraiser that enables over 100 charities to raise much-needed funds for their organization, and this event is ESSE's main fundraiser in 2023.

We would be so grateful if you could support us by going to and choosing ESSE as your charity of choice. Any amount will be most appreciated. Please visit the site above anytime during that 5-day period (May 1st-5th) and make your donation. Thanks for your support!

2023 Graduates!

Do you have a 2023 high school, college, or post-college graduate?

Email the office with their name, where they are graduating from, degree, and future plans! 

Graduates will be honored on June 4th.

Music at St. Matthew

As you know, there will be some changes in our music ministry leadership coming up as our beloved Director of Music retires after 25 years! If you know of anyone who might be interested in partnering with our current music department leadership to enhance our spirit-filled choir or amazing praise band, please contact Pastor Erin.  

Introducing Matt Grady!

We are thrilled to announce the hiring of Matt Grady as our Director of Youth Ministries. 

Please welcome Matt and his wife,  Aaliyah, to the St. Matthew family.

VBS - June 5th-9th - Registration Open

We are excited to announce that St. Matthew is planning a fun-filled week of activities, June 5th-9th from 9am-12noon. A family ice cream social will be held Friday, June 9th at 6:30pm. 

For children ages 3-4 (must have completed at least one year of preschool) and grades K-5th grade (completed grades K-5th)

Cost is $35 per child. Scholarships available. Contact the office for more information. 

Click here to register!

VBS Prep Help Needed

VBS planning is underway, and we need lots of help this year!

The theme is Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs, and the dates are June 5th-9th. Prior to that week, we need help with craft prep (will have some at-home opportunities), check-in/registration on June 5th, decorating, as well as helpers during the week for Preschool - 5th grade. If you can help in any way, please let Dawn Schubert know. Thanks in advance for your willingness to help with this fun church event!

Chicago Cubs Pride Day Interest

The Chicago Cubs are having a Pride Night on June 13th! There is a significant discount for a group, so if enough people are interested PCNI will organize a PFLAG group. Signing up here is letting the organizers know you are interested in being a part of that group. It is not a purchase of the tickets at this time. 

Click here to let them know you would be interested in attending!

Crop Walk, May 7th

Please join us for the annual Crop Walk to help end world hunger. This is a great family activity and we are hoping for a big turn out this year! The Crop Walk this year will be held on Sunday, May 7th, at Gary Memorial Methodist Church in Wheaton. Check-in begins at 1pm and the walk begins at 2pm. It is a 3-mile walk. Click here to join the St. Matthew team or donate to our team. Contact Erin Walsh with questions.

Interested in Becoming a Member of St. Matthew?

Pastor Erin would like to engage with you in person about involvement in this beloved community. Reach out to Pastor Erin via email to setup a time to chat or contact the office. 

Our Church Directory is Online!

Download the Instant Church Directory app from the Apple® App store in iTunes®, Google Play™ store and the Amazon Fire App Store. Simply search for “Instant Church Directory” to get the download. 

You will need to use your email address as listed in our directory to create a log-in the first time you use the directory online and via the mobile app.

To view the directory online, go to and follow the prompts under “Sign In” to “Create a login now.” Please remember, you must confirm your email address before you can sign in.

Contact the office with questions.

Sunday Coffee Hour

For coffee after church, please consider bringing a treat on the following weeks:

Last names A-C, 1st Sunday

Last names D-H, 2nd Sunday

Last names I-O, 3rd Sunday

Last names P-Z, 4th Sunday

Anyone, 5th Sunday

Please contact Wendy Fanning if you are able to set up or clean up coffee hour. Thanks for your help.

Online Sunday Worship

The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.


Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page:

**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**

You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage ( to access the online service. 

Online Giving

Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!