TheGraduate@CarletonMay 25 EditionGraduate Student NewsData Day 9.0 Poster Award Winners Newsletter Schedule TheGraduate@Carleton newsletter is typically
distributed on Thursdays. Three Minute Thesis 2023 Competition Winner! |
Dates & Deadlines!May 19-31, 2023 May 25, 2023 May 26, 2023 May 31, 2023 June 1, 2023 For a complete list of all official academic and financial dates and deadlines, please go to the Registrar’s website. For all financial matters, go to Student Accounts. |
CIHR 2023 Info Session for Trainees and Postdoctoral Researchers in Health ResearchCIHR will be offering MS Teams Q&A sessions to trainees, postdoctoral researchers and institution staff regarding award programs they offer. They will provide a brief overview of programs but majority of the session will be spent answering participant questions. Full details can be found on the CIHR website If you are interested in attending, register by June 5, 2023. Duration: 1 hour |
Volunteers RequestedLet's Talk Science at CarletonU, which runs jointly with uOttawa, is recruiting for volunteers to help with an activity involving local Black high school students we work with via our Black youth in STEM program. The youth will visit Carleton for a day of fun, hands-on activities and networking with Black students and professionals in STEM. We are in need of volunteers to help the students with the activities, guide them throughout campus or other supports throughout the day. We have set a tentative date for June 13, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided to all volunteers and there is also the option of only helping during the morning (which is when we need the most volunteers). If you are interested in participating, please email Amaal at |
Quad Access ReducedFacilities Management and Planning would like to advise the campus community that access to the academic quad will be reduced due to two projects. Replacing the roofs of the Tory Building and the Azrieli Theatre and Pavilion will continue until early July. To ensure the area is safe, the stairs between the Azrieli Theatre and Pavilion will be closed until the completion of the roof work. In addition, ongoing work between Paterson Hall and Southam Hall requires the pathway located at the quad that runs to Southam Hall to be closed until mid-June. Access to Southam Hall, and the parking garage will not be impacted. Access to the quad during these projects will be available from the south-side stairs (beside Tory) and the stairs beside Dunton Tower, as well as through the tunnels. |
![]() Two Postdoctoral Fellows and Seven Graduate Students Integral Part of Producing Zero Pollution Energy Using Metals Each year, more carbon dioxide (CO2) — the most dangerous and prevalent greenhouse—is released into the atmosphere than the Earth’s natural processes can remove. A large contributor to global warming, CO2 emissions come from burning fossil fuels for energy. Mines, mills, powerplants and factories are releasing excessive amounts every day—making the industrial sector Canada’s largest source of greenhouse gases. Reza Kholghy, an aerospace and mechanical engineering professor and principal investigator in Carleton University’s Energy and Particle Technology Laboratory, believes using metals as fuel to store and release energy could reduce gas emissions and other pollutants released when we burn fossil fuels. |
Canada Graduate Scholarship - Michael Smith Foreign Study SupplementApplications now open for the June 2023 Competition! The Canada Graduate Scholarships – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (CGS-MSFSS) support high-calibre Canadian graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions abroad. Supplements of up to $6,000 are available to active CGS (master’s or doctoral) or eligible Vanier CGS holders to help offset the costs of undertaking research studies outside Canada for a defined period. Full details can be found here. Please submit your application to by May 26, 2023. |
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons licence. All photos provided by The Conversation from various sources.
By Joanna Pozzulo (Director of Carleton's MeWeRTH) and Anna Stone (Carleton Master's student)
The Canadian Mental Health Association estimates that one in five Canadians will experience a mental health challenge. The full impact of mental health issues is even broader: almost every adult Canadian at some point has either been directly affected, or has a family member, friend or colleague with a mental health issue.
In terms of economic cost, mental health issues cost the Canadian government approximately $50 billion annually.
Although these figures are staggering, they are not surprising. The issue is not about delineating the problem but about what to do about it.
TheGraduate@Carleton newsletter is Carleton University's official graduate student newsletter.