The Walk pirouette and not keeping true walk rhythm - how to mark- FEI Dressage Judges Handbook
At our A level Coffee and catch-up Zoom session the question of a faulty walk in the walk pirouette came up. It was a very good discussion. To summarize and clarify.
As per the normal walk when the regularity is not always clear the mark should be below 6, or even lower (below 5) if truly ambling or pacing.
The same applies to the walk pirouette- the movement should be carried out in a clear and correct walk rhythm.
If the walk pirouette is clearly not in 4 beat rhythm THROUGHOUT, then the mark is below 5. If it loses the 4 beat in the second part (and this can happen quite often because of lack of suppleness, stiffness and loss of activity) the mark should be below 6. And if there is clear outside flexion then the mark should be below 6.
Happy judging
Mary Seefried