Local Update, 19 December 2022
Welcome to our weekly newsletter about mental health services and support available in Barnet and beyond. Also bringing you updates on Inclusion Barnet mental health news. Produced by Ed Peston, Communications Assistant. Wishing Happy Holidays to all our readers. Please note that due to staff annual leave the next issue will
be on Monday 9 January.
Inclusion Barnet Events and News
Festive Opening Hours 2022/2023 and Sources of SupportOver the festive period we at Inclusion Barnet are taking a short break. We will have a very small number of staff working from Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd December and the office will be completely closed from Thursday 22nd December until Tuesday 3rd January. During this time we’ll be unable to respond to your queries, but if you’re in need of urgent support, please have a look at the resources in this blog:- Continue reading Festive Opening Hours 2022/2023 and Sources of Support
Events and News from the Web
International Wellbeing Support Group (From Rain on Me), Monday 19 December, 5.30pmA free, international safe space to vent and grow with people who understand and accept you. Book International Wellbeing Support Group
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (UK only) (Self Learning) (From Life Change Foundation), daily, 7.00 - 8.00pmFor this course you will need to download a mobile app and you must be over 18. Download SayNow.App. To be successful in life you need to build relationships and work well with others. Emotions will overrule your rational brain in certain situations so understanding why certain behaviours are triggered and how to change your reaction is key to developing yourself. This session is based on experiential learning so you will be actively working with others in the exercises. Book Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
How to prioritise self-care when working in music (From Help Musicians), Monday 9 January, 11.00am - 12.00pmWhile a career in music can be fun and rewarding, it can also create difficult conditions in which to look after your mental wellbeing. Long periods spent away from home, lifestyle factors, irregular work, financial difficulties, isolating work conditions, and lack of routine all have the potential to exacerbate any struggles you may already be experiencing. These situations can have a very real impact on your ability to fully engage with and to enjoy what you do.
Developing coping strategies to overcome these difficult moments will help you keep alive your love for your profession, allowing you to enjoy more fully the amazing parts of working in music and make the most of your career in the long term. Book How to prioritise self-care when working in music
Alcohol Awareness - Short Online Course (From West Suffolk College)This can be started any time between 1/08/22 - 31/07/23, study is online at times to suit. Once started you are given 3 weeks to complete. Book Alcohol Awareness - Short Online Course
Tinnitus & Sound Sensitivity - Online Support Group (From British Tinnitus Association, Groups), Wednesday 21 December, 7.00 - 8.30pmA group for anyone with tinnitus and hyperacusis who would like to meet others with similar experiences and provide/receive support. Book Tinnitus & Sound Sensitivity - Online Support Group
Peer Support Group for Lived Experience Workers (From Peer Hub CIC), Wednesday 21 December, 7.00 - 8.30pmAn online community for lived or living experience workers which provides a space for collaboration, networking and peer support for people who use their personal, first person experience of mental health problems, trauma, distress, survival, voices, visions (or however you choose to describe it!) in their work. Book Peer Support Group for Lived Experience Workers
Age UK Barnet ActivitiesClasses and activities in the New Year including Mindfulness Course for over 55s, Memory Matters! 8 week course to improve your memory! and Managing Money in Later Life. Read Age UK Barnet Activities
Clic (From Mental Health UK)Clic is a free online community here to support everyone with their mental health. Connect with others for mutual support, share your thoughts and find helpful information. Visit Clic
Online ADHD Support Group (From Tim Kiver Foundation), Tuesday 10 January, 7.30 - 9.00pmThis ONLINE ADHD Support Group session is a safe place for anyone interested in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in ANY way to share experiences and learn more about: • What ADHD is • How ADHD affects peoples every day life • Ways to manage ADHD symptoms • How to seek medical help for ADHD • The Facts and Fiction that surround ADHD • What the various UK ADHD third sector (charitable organisations) are doing to spread awareness that will improve the lives of those who are affected by ADHD Book Online ADHD Support Group
The mindbodygreen Podcast (From mindbodygreen)The mindbodygreen podcast explores the infinite possibilities of health & well-being. Hosted by founder and co-CEO Jason Wachob, each episode features a thought-provoking interview with a leader in the health space. Whether you’re thinking about changing what’s on your plate, how you move, or how you think, these conversations are sure to offer solutions in whole-body health. Listen to The mindbodygreen Podcast
The Calmer You Podcast (From Chloe Brotheridge)Help for anxiety, with Chloe Brotheridge, expert hypnotherapist, coach and author of The Anxiety Solution and The Confidence Solution. Listen to The Calmer You Podcast
Doomscrolling: The Impact On The Mental Health Of Today’s Youth (From Shout Out UK)Interactions with social media and online news platforms can have a serious impact on young people’s mental health — and unfortunately, it isn’t always positive. With the residual effects of the pandemic and widespread economic disparity exacerbating young people’s stress and anxiety, it’s more important than ever for us to assess our
relationship with social media, and the things we can do to limit its potential to harm. Read Doomscrolling: The Impact On The Mental Health Of Today’s Youth
Opinion: How to prioritize your mental health (From Main Street Nashville)When someone experiences ongoing physical pain, they typically visit a primary care physician, and if that person experiences other specific health concerns, they might visit a specialty doctor. Imagine what would happen if we treated our mental health with the same urgency. Read Opinion: How to prioritize your mental health
How did the pandemic affect young people’s mental health? (From Earth.com)A new comprehensive review study led by the University of Exeter and the University of Cambridge has evaluated the research on the mental health of children and young people using evidence spanning before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The experts found that the pandemic a significant impact on this demographic’s mental health, which could result in an increased demand for support services. Read How did the pandemic affect young people’s mental health?
Building FriendshipBuilding Friendship is a free weekly drop in every Friday for those with mental health difficulties. Meet at East Barnet Baptist Church hall, EN4 8PS. Come along for a cup of coffee and a friendly chat between 10am and 12noon. For more information email: buildingfriendship@gmail.com. Or leave a message with your name and contact number on 020 8449 5320.
Mind and Mood Support GroupMind & Mood Support Group has returned to face to face meetings at 55 Christchurch Avenue, London N12 0DG. To enquire about becoming a new member, please contact either Peter or Sandra below. Peter Sartori e: petersartori@virginmedia.com
Sandra Turner e:santana.turner01@gmail.com Both Peter Sartori and Sandra Turner have extensive experience of the mental health system.
We are an independent support group, run by ex service users, for service users, their carers and supporters.
Weekly online social group from Mind in Enfield and Barnet, Fridays from 6.00 - 7.00pmThis group takes place by Zoom, and the session is broken up into a few casual activities such as: Catch up about each other’s week
Play a quiz where everybody provides 3 questions
Share and discuss TV, movies and news that has inspired us this week If you would like to attend, please email Sam Brown at sambrown@mindeb.org.uk
www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk We are a Peer-Led Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation
(DDPO). Nearly all of our directors and staff have lived experience of disability, including mental health issues and/or long-term health conditions. We believe that learning to use our lived experience for social change is a skill. We have become experts in harnessing the lived experience of our staff, members,
volunteers and the people who use our services to design and deliver higher quality, more person-centred services. Other services run by Inclusion Barnet that you might be interested in are: Benefits Advice Service (supporting disabled people in Barnet to access the benefits they are entitled to). Touchpoint (supports people experiencing any form of disability in Barnet to access the services and resources they need). Healthwatch Barnet (an independent, statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Barnet). For more information about the wider range of other work we do please visit our website www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk
Useful links for mental health and wellbeing
Click on the title to go to the individual websites. LOCAL (*BEH-MHT = Barnet, Enfield Haringay - Mental Health Trust) LONDON & NATIONAL - The Help Hub - free online emotional support sessions
- Good Thinking - free online Mental Wellbeing for London
- Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- Qwell - free online safe and confidential space to share & support
Shout - free, 24/7 text messaging support - text SHOUT to 85258 - Samaritans - free phone & email support in a crisis
- Useful links from Sussex University - lots of useful links to MH resources
Independent Living Centre, c/o Barnet & Southgate College,
7 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4BR
Inclusion Barnet is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Registered Charity Number: 1158632