NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

SH1 Papakura to Bombay

Project update

18 June 2024


Public notification : Stage 2 Notices of Requirement

On Friday 14 June, Auckland Council publicly notified the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Notices of Requirement for Stage 2 of the SH1 Papakura to Bombay project.

Stage 2 of the Papakura to Bombay project is a planning project that will protect the route and land required for future improvements to the Southern Motorway between Drury and Bombay.

Any person or organisation may make a submission on the NZTA Notices of Requirement.  Submissions must be received by Auckland Council no later than midnight on Monday 15 July.

The link to Auckland Council’s website where all the Notices of Requirement documents are available is here

You can also view a full-length map of the proposals by visiting the project website here - and selecting the link called "Long plot for Stage 2".



About the project | Te kaupapa

The SH1 Papakura to Bombay project is part of the longer-term transport network being investigated and delivered to support growth in South Auckland, to enable more transport choices as well as greater safety, resilience and capacity of the state highway network.

The proposals for Stage 2 of the project include provision for an additional (third) lane in each direction between Drury and Bombay and a new motorway interchange at Drury South in response to significant growth and development in the area.  The new interchange will include connections to Quarry Road/Maketu Road and Great South Road. 

Also included in Stage 2 are future upgrades to the existing interchanges at Ramarama and Bombay, safety and environmental improvements including 100% stormwater treatment and room to accommodate future changes to transport needs in the area.

As this is a route protection project, currently there is no funding earmarked for the delivery of Stage 2, meaning there is no confirmed timeframe for construction at this time.



Contact us | Whakapā mai


For further information regarding the Papakura to Bombay project, please contact our team:

• P: 0800 741 722
• E:
• W:

Kind regards| Ngā mihi

The SH1 Papakura to Bombay team