No images? Click here ENEWS Glen Innes Hereford Bull Show & SaleThe sun was shining for the 79th Annual Glen Innes Bull Show and Sale, held at Glen Innes saleyards on Wednesday 24 July. Courallie J P022 Ledger T017 was sashed grand champion bull of the show and also claimed top honours in the sale ring. 2024 Youth Expo WrapThe Harris Farm Markets Herefords Australia National Youth Expo was held in Cootamundra from 11-14 July. 150 young Hereford enthusiasts participated in a range of activities and competitions across the four days. Another highlight was having 300 attendees at the annual Youth Expo dinner and auction. Updated HAL Registration FeesChanges to the Herefords Australia registration fees will come into effect from 1st August 2024. The new fees are outlined below: Late registration fee: Submission of Animal Photos & VideosWhen submitting animal photos to be added to online catalogues/animal search please provide images as .jpg files, saved as the animal's full ID, not their lot number. E.g. ABCT012.jpg Please provide any animal videos as YouTube links. We are unable to upload videos to the database supplied in any other format. Farewell from Ro KoebelAfter seven years with Herefords Australia, I will be finishing up in the next week due to growing family commitments. I have loved working at HAL which in large part is due to our wonderful members and people within the beef industry. Getting out to all the different shows and sales and meeting so many people has made my job something I have truly enjoyed and forged friendships which I’m sure will extend well beyond my time at HAL. Although I will no longer be with Herefords Australia, I will certainly keep a keen interest in all things Hereford, from sale results to Hereford news stories. Thank you to everyone I’ve met and worked with over the last seven years, seeing your passion for the Hereford breed and the wider industry has been inspiring. For all future sale catalogues and other enquiries, please email |